Sleep Resistance

9 replies [Last post]

Is there any actual use of getting the starlit armor other than vanity? You only can walk through the sloombargo's cloud for a short amount seconds before being slept and it shaves off 2 or so seconds of the sleep status, and you're not able to walk through the Wisps. (I'm not enitrely sure how status resistance works, but I'm able to walk through the shock Wisps in Ghosts in the Machine with full shock resistance, and some playtime a while back in LD I've been able to stand in enemy haze bombs with status resistance without getting affected)
You still have to get hit a few times before waking up as well, sleep resistance doesn't seem all that worth it.

Do different status resistances effects vary between status effects? What's the deal with sleep?

Bopp's picture
+9, not +8?

So you're saying that your shock armor makes you immune to shock wisps, but your sleep armor does not make you immune to sleep wisps?

Two pieces of strongly status-resistant armor typically give you +8 resistance. And don't you need something like +9 to be immune to wisps?

So how much total shock resistance do you have, and how much total sleep resistance? It's not clear from your post.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

There is currently no real point in getting the armor (assuming it does work like Bopp said) because there is currently no challenging content that features sleep. They could at any point in time introduce a danger mission or something that makes use of it, but I wouldn't anticipate anything other than slime casino tweaks and prize boxes for at least another year or two.

It's also worth mentioning that sleep is akin to freeze- even if you only sleep for 2 seconds, you're fairly likely to get hit. This largely limits it to resisting whisps which aren't such an issue on starlight cradle. What is an issue there is lumbers- which these armors are weak to while chaos is not. The only reason to craft these armors is for the future because you have nothing better to do.

Speaking of which, getting whisp immunity usually requires a low or higher UV for +9 and sleep UVs are old + rare + currently unobtainable.... but sleep resistance is featured on the slime casino trinkets alongside a fair bit of power creep (I'm looking at you, Daybreaker Band). Because of this, a sleep heavy area would be very expensive to prepare for and honestly doesn't bode well for most players unless they consider bringing back the sleep UVs so that players can grab a cheap low and be on their way to greatness.

Zeddy's picture

Wisps require moderate status resistance, that's max + max + low, so you must have a low shock UV.

Sleep UVs are no longer rollable to my knowledge, so...

Mist bombs on the other hand, only need max + high.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

Ah yes, I suppose lockdown would be another story. I could definitely see the armors being useful for that.

Questcomm's picture
Brinks Sells Sleep-Resistance Trinkets

If we're considering trinkets, Brinks sells various tiers of sleep-resistance-increasing trinkets for Primal Sparks, all of which have "Katnip" in their name. The 2-star one, Katnip Pouch, gives the same amount of resistance (at least visually) as the Daybreaker Band, and the higher-star ones give even more resistance (of course, none of them give health, CTR or damage vs. Slimes).

Bopp's picture
5-star trinket = status+2

Yes. In particular, 5-star status trinkets offer resistance+2. So that is a fine way to get more than sleep+8.

We still don't know how much shock and sleep resistance the original poster had.


I wasn't giving much thought to that post, and I'm yet to read the replies but I'm gonna go-ahead and say I did a terrible job at trying to ask/explain what I was going for

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

You could absolutely make a budget set with katnip pouch that trades +1 health and +1 ctr for all weapons for not costing a million crowns. That sort of balance is pretty much definitive of SK.

Even in a lockdown setting

Even in a lockdown setting the armor is not gonna be great because it has -8 stun as well, and a mist bomber will bring more than just Torpor Tantrum.
As for PvE, due to the lack of minor/medium status in most levels, it's generally easier to just use a glass cannon set and kill stuff from range by using brandish charges or guns. As you pointed out, having the resistance or not is sometimes only a few seconds difference in duration. If GH were to make levels that contain more minor or moderate status, having the +7 or +9 on your armor could make you immune which would definitely make it worth crafting, but until then it's not really worth it.