Dr.Boomie gear help
I am starting to use play with bk set,
after long time with chaos+ssb.
Calahan/Blitz/Btb-pierce dmg
GF/Acheron/GR -shadow dmg
Polaris/V.Edge/Da-ele dmg
My question is
Which ones better for what?
Count only Bk set please

My comments apply to PvE only.
My comments are: It depends on which enemies you're facing. For example, Callahan is awesome, but not against constructs and slimes.
Fehzor's-Forum-Alt is right that you might want some CTR UVs now. Fortunately you have some MSI that you didn't have earlier. Life is good.

MSI is an excellent stat but it doesn't change very much about the fundamental balance of the game. If anything it makes strafing with guns while shooting and dropping bombs somewhat safer. OP does not use bombs or guns that strafe outside of polaris. In this case, MSI will help them get to where they will stand 100% still unleashing a charge or slashing something, not utilizing their 8-9% speed increase.
For them it will help retreat after they've attacked and get into position faster to unleash another charge of some sort. E.G. A lumber is reving up to attack them while they unleash their grim repeater charge, they finish the charge faster using ASI from UVs and/or swiftstrike (assuming they're still using that) and are then able to step forwards to dodge. They proceed to get another full charge with their CTR UV and kill the lumber.
i changed my gear a bit
BK/Set fire high+fire med
SSB for asi high
2x Penta
Dragon Pet for speed farm Mask for long runs
1.Voltedge ctr low
2.Wildfire/in progress
3.Arcana/Riftlocker/Blitz....depends on floor/run
4.GF/DRetri/BTB....depens on floor/run

I still don't understand what you want. Are you asking us to configure your items into loadouts for particular missions and strata? There are too many. Which ones?

instead of pentas then use ctr trinkets instead if you don't have uvs. You might still want at least ctr med on charge weapons if you're using more than one type.
Well, you now have no free CTR. Go roll UVs and change nothing else about your playstyle.