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Scintillating Sun Shards and Shocking Salt Bomb

8 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

I sorta want to make one of the shard bombs for the fun of it rather than anything and I'm wondering how often these two bombs inflict their status? Is it a high chance on the initial blast and does it have a good chance from enemies coming in contact with the shards?
And do the 5* variant of these bombs have their shards explode separately or is it only contact damage on the initial explosion and as they rest in place?

Portrait de Zero-Chill
Ahhh... gud shards, gud times.

They inflict status pretty often since they tend to hit targets multiple times, maximum potential can be achieved by hitting the target with the initial explosion and 2 shards of the outer ring which happens more often than you think TBH. They're not just fun weapons, they're also very effective at getting rid of devilites and slime cubes safely and quickly. And IDK if you know but shard bombs act differently from torto guns' charges where shards aren't lodged on the ground therefore they don't inflict damage on contact but they inflict damage when their timer ends and they explode, and all the outer ring's shards explode at the same time not separately.

Portrait de Bopp

I don't know the technical details, but I find that Shocking Salt Bomb spreads shock quite effectively. Kind of like Voltaic Tempest with a more interesting mechanic. Scintillating Sun Shards seems to spread stun less frequently, but I could just be imagining that, so don't take it too seriously.

Portrait de Sir-Pandabear

Often enough to be relevant, not so often as to make Voltaic Tempest worthless. Shocking Salt has been voted best shard bomb every year since 2012.

I don't think the frequency of infliction is different between the two bombs, but since stun duration is a lot shorter than shock duration, I can see how it would feel that way.

I'd imagine the two status

I'd imagine the two status inflicting bombs have the same chance.
I'm making them all regardless I guess, I made the shocking salt bomb and it's fun enough to run along with so I'm making that, the stun/piercing one and the bland elemental one.
I don't believe I'll make them 5* anytime soon.
Is there any real different other than visuals between the nitronome and DBB? I'm considering making one of those or irontech destroyer/BAB for the fun of it, but I've never seen irontech or BAB in use at all in all my time playing.

Portrait de Bopp

Is there any real different other than visuals between the nitronome and DBB?

1. Nitronome does a bunch of knockback; DBB does no knockback. This difference causes them to have dramatically different learning curves, play styles, and tactical purposes.

2. They have the same damage against neutral enemies (undead, gremlins), but DBB does a bit more damage against vulnerable enemies (fiends, beasts) and much less damage against resistant enemies (slimes, constructs).

You're also considering Nitronome vs. Irontech vs. BAB. You should read the Bombing Guide on the wiki, if you haven't already.


I'm not entirely considering functionality/use though, and I just don't know how the bab/irontech work and I lost sight of where that guide showing charge time and dps and such. I'm a little too lazy to search the forums for it.

Portrait de Zero-Chill
There ya go.


Charge time: Medium
Fuse time: Fast
Damage: Medium
Movement speed decrease: Low
Knockback: Medium
Chance for stun: None
Role: Offensive

Irontech Destroyer:

Charge time: Medium
Fuse time: Slow
Damage: High
Movement speed decrease: High
Knockback: High
Chance of stun: Slight
Role: Defensive

Big Angry Bomb:

Charge time: Long
Fuse time: Slow
Damage: Very high
Movement speed decrease: High
Knockback: Very high
Chance of stun: Slight
Role: Situational

Portrait de Bopp
Bombing Guide

I'm not entirely considering functionality/use though

What else are you considering?

and I just don't know how the bab/irontech work

The difference is explained in the Bombing Guide on the wiki. (So is the difference between DBB and Nitronome, about which you asked earlier.)

and I lost sight of where that guide showing charge time

It's in the Bombing Guide on the wiki.

and dps and such.

There's some DPS data/calculation here and here.