need shield help

Hello everyone! I recently started some alt accounts and cant figure out what shield to use. On one account I'm trying to be a bomber, and on the other, I just need a all purpose shield for clockworks-ing, or whatever you call it again. anyway, plz help. thanks!

It seems that I never published my shield guide. Hmm. Here's the short version.
The main considerations in choosing a shield are offense and status resistance. Damage protection is nice but less important. And I don't like movement speed decreases.
So I recommend Swiftstrike Buckler or Barbarous Thorn Shield for offense (but not on a bomber) and Grey Owlite Shield (fire, shock) or Dread Skelly Shield (poison, freeze) for status resistance.

Bombers can't charge bombs and use a shield. Thus they only rarely use shields for defense because they need to keep up their offense.
Too bad there aren't any shield passives that benefit bombers much. Gunners use Swiftstrike to reduce the dead time after a shot, but bombs don't have much dead time after placing a bomb (is there any?).
There isn't much left for bombers to do with a shield. There's only bumping and an occasional panic defense. I agree with Bopp: Grey Owlite, Dread Skelly, or BTS can do those tasks.

Bopp, where do you stand on omega shell? It's not much worse and it would save them a bunch of time heating etc.

Omega has 25% more hp than all other shields. I have a chart of shield HP by depth here.

For generic use i suggest Grey owlite shield.It doesnt have bonus effects like sword dmg or attack speed but for generic use is very good with good bonus effect status.In looks i think its one of the best looking shields.If you are a swordsman barbarousis a good choice too.The swift-strike-buckler gives bonus speed in all weapons but until you master dodging you will die a lot (cause it cant handle a lot of dmg its a 3 star shield that cant be upgraded).I hope i helped.

I haven't used Omega Shell, so feel free to correct my misconceptions. In theory, there are three defensive ingredients to consider: health, damage protection, and status resistance.
* Omega Shell obviously beats other shields on health. Skepticraven's 25% figure is consistent with my vague memories of past threads. And that's nice, because health helps the shield withstand both damage and status attacks.
* Omega Shell has a lot of normal protection but lacks any non-normal protection, which is bad on Tier 3. I don't have the damage calculations memorized, so I don't know how this balances out quantitatively, but I bet that it's not a win for Omega Shell. Maybe a tie? A loss?
* Omega Shell has no status resistance, while a shield with native status resistance (e.g. freeze on Dread Skelly) has infinite resistance. This is a giant win for other shields.
So it seems to boil down to the usual general-vs-specialized dynamic. But in swords I would characterize the dynamic as "damage-specialized swords are slightly better than general swords in their specialty", whereas in shields I would characterize it as "status-specialized shields are much better than general shields in their specialty".
Also, I have a lot of general-purpose equipment sitting around unused. So I tend to advise players to skip that stuff. This is optimizing the long term at the expense of the short term. There are arguments for both.
For ranking up as quickly as possible it's a good idea to do this, first get a Swiftstrike Buckler as an all purpose shield and it'll help you pass 3* HoH, buy a Darkfang Shield to help you pass 4* HoH it got decent defenses and it looks cool too it isn't expensive either as it's become so common nowadays then get an Ancient Plate Shield by making someone invite you to FSC and do 10 full runs. Congrats, you now got an all purpose offensive shield (Swift striker Buckler), a heavy duty shield (Ancient Plate Shield) and a shield for specific situations that looks so cool (Darkfang Shield). For a bomber though, Swiftstrike Shield is useless so I suggest you get Drake Scale Shield > Stone Tortoise > Omega Shell as it's good in all situations or you can wait a little and get Grand Tortoise as its dash is valuable for bombers, note that it slows you down a bit while Omega Shell doesn't.