Complete Love Puppy Sprite Appearance Compilation :)

Hi everyone, decided to crop this picture and make a breakdown as to how ultimate augment choices affects the new love puppy seraphynx sprite for anyone unsure of which augment to choose if they're concerned about looks :)
Ray of Light
-Dazzling Light Ray: Standard Gun/Love Puppy head
-Disintegration Ray: Roarmulus Twins like head
Heart Attack
-Iron Heart Attack: Bolts on lower jaw
-Violent Heart Attack: Larger, more square jaw; makes it more similar to RT
Angelic Aura
-Seraphic Aura: Vents & red band
-Valkyrian Aura: White arms in front
Lvl 1 Love Puppy
Post lvl 25 Love Puppy
Post lvl 50 Love Puppy with No Ultimate Augments
Full Roarmulus Love Puppy
Full Rocket Love Puppy
Pet in first picture is credited to Juliop :)
Lvl 1 Love Puppy credited to Maison-Hermes & Silver-Hawke
Lvl 25 Love Puppy credited to Maison-Hermes ^^
Full Roarmulus Love Puppy credited to Ham-And-Eggs :D
Full Rocket Love Puppy credited to Stormcheetah (^o^)

I'm not really familiar with how wiki editing works so I've only posted what I know here since it looks like a gun puppy drakon reskin so far :o

I'll pay to see the full Roarmulus set and the rocket.
I know it's just colour variances but If your friend ever gets a reset star, take pics.

Full Roarmulus Set posted, looking for full rocket still. Will be a while for my pet to get to 100 to see for myself ;x

Thanks a bunch!
This wouldn't be possible without everyone involved with in this post!

you have done the SK community a great favor.

Hey guys!
I'd like to try and help get the Seraphynx (Love Puppy) page online.
I logged in using steam, but I don't seem to have permissions to create or edit pages.
Still, I want to help, so I'm going to provide the relevant 128x128 icons, so hopefully someone with permissions can get the page up and running.
If anyone knows how to upgrade my account so I can do it myself, I'm happy to.
Any interest in putting those images on the wiki for us? That would be even more helpful. :)