Seraphynx Angelic Aura Ulti

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I'm wondering how much these two ultimates actually speed up Shield charge rate and Weapon charge rate, both seem pretty useful but I'm not entirely sure which to choose and how much they actually affect.
And is this charge/recharge rate self inflicted too? Because the wiki (and I'm assuming in-game when you choose) It's worded as "Party members within the protective aura gain..." And it doesn't state whether we get it ourselves.
I'm assuming the weapon charge rate goes above if we have max CTR on our gear, similar to Drakon's and Maskeraith's skills?
I'm buying a Seraphynx very soon and making it into a Black Kat.

Zero-Chill's picture

I was told the CTR boost gives +high and it doesn't stack past max, so if you run around in Chaos or got max CTR then it's not for you, however, if you party so often with people who don't always wear Chaos or have max CTR on everything then it'll be useful as long as you stick with them (don't be selfish). The other ultimate is practically useless since you don't usually shield when using the shield skill, you want to go offensive and dash into crowds suicide-style, but if you mainly use the shield for tanking monsters and luring them away from your teammates then the faster shield regan might be the one for you (note that your shield has a 1-sec cooldown after taking a hit that after the shield begins to regan health). Both are decent and got their uses but note that this game rewards offensive playstyles more than defensive ones so the extra CTR might be more useful, especially if you run in parties. Also the shield affects everyone in it including you, much like how the guardian-classq shield acts in LD.

Number-One-God's picture
I also heard it gives you

I also heard it gives you +High on CTR while you AND your teammates are inside the bubble.
Has for shield I don't really care, my Seraphynx is level 94, I'll be aiming for the Wolver Tail since it's better, although I prefer the armored tail but I don't care how I or my Battle Sprite looks.
Even if you are using Chaos I recommend you getting the Wolver Tail, since I you'll probably get the Kat set in the far future lile 90% of the player base goes for.
I don't know if the CTR also stacks with Maximum, so it's literally having a level 99 pet if you plan to have a Chaos set with a Wolver Tail on your Seraphynx, but I don't know if it does or it doesn't, I'll update this if I get my Seraphynx to level 100.