Is it more worth to go for the Autogun as long - time investment or just get the Blaster for damage?

Title. I dont know if i go for the Autogun and turn it into better weapons later on or i just get a Blaster for the higher DPS, Which at the moment seems to be the best i can get

Blitz? Garbage? I'll admit it's tricky to use, but that's the single biggest burst of DPS in the game. A single charge against neutral targets is potentially ~2800 damage without any damage bonuses. Against targets weak to pierce, a Blitz charge pumps out over 4000 damage without bonuses. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of frustration to get the most out of it, but if you can master it, the damage is WAAAAY too good to dismiss. The shadow damage variation of the autogun, the Grim Repeater, is far easier to use than the Blitz, due to the push-back and the fact that shadow weak enemies tend to be less twitchy-spastic than pierce weak enemies.
That said, the basic shot from the autoguns are pure trash. Either charge spam or don't even bother firing. Ideally you'll want the Perfect Mask of Seerus or bits of the Chaos set to get as many charges out as quickly as possible. This will definitely get you killed the first few times you use it, so it'll take time to master. Even when mastered, it will still definitely get you killed a few times.
(And I'm not sure why people seem to think DaN is the only source of Rads in the game. I've amassed plenty of Rads just from FSC alone. Being able to reliably grind out FSC will get you VERY far, especially as you try to round out the rest of your arsenal. Heck, you can simply stick to fully heated 4* equipment and it'll still serve you well. 4* Strike Needle *only* outputs ~3600 damage per charge against pierce weak enemies.)
Blasters, while very user friendly, are not very good sources of damage. They're arguably the best utility weapons in the game, offering a bit of knockback, a bit of damage, and reliable ranged hits. Still, I tend to squeeze utility ranged weapons into my loadouts whenever I can. Admittedly, I run 4 weapon slots, so it may not be as worthwhile for you. Nonetheless, I absolutely love the slash, slash, retreat, shoot, shoot, repeat rhythm you get into when you have both a sword and a utility gun. Simple, fun, safe and reliable.
So in summary... Autoguns will do more damage, Blasters will get used more often.

D&N is much faster than FSC and give more rads.
Yes Blitz Needle is good, but what are you going to use that 4k-damage charge against? Wolvers? No. Devilites? HELL NO! You only got Trojans, Gorgos and those lizards + Lord Vanaduke of course.
Also Blasters can be a powerhouse of damage with enough ASI and proper single switching or double switching with an Alchemer or a sword. My Arcana has ASI: med and I've managed to wipe out hordes of zombies in FSC and D&N with it extremely fast (maybe even about as fast as Brandish charge-spamming) either alone or paired with a Final Flourish. And if you paired an Arcana with a Nova Driver you can finish stuff even quicker when using Arcana > shoot shoot > shield > Nova Driver > shoot > shield > repeat, I've managed to solo LoA with just this (not fully heated as well).
Personally I have a Blitz Needle but I only use it on Lord Vanaduke or trojans, I don't even bother bringing it anywhere outside of FSC and I want to get rid of it just because FSC is so boring and running arcade gives about as much profit, I barely even run FSC anymore, just ask my friends to Inc me on D27 cause rads and do the boss fight with a Final Flourish and an Arcana. Final Flourish is able to damage Lord Vanaduke in the first 2 forms with its first wide slash and with proper shield-cancelling and single-switching (if you're fast anough) can deal about 60-80% of Blitz Needle's damage, and I use my arcana to get rid of slags and Almirian Crusaders. Of course Blitz Needle would be faster at all of this but pretty dangerous and will get you killed pretty often.

I like to evaluate guns for both power and fun.
I recommend that you focus on the three gun styles that have powerful charges: Autogun, Magnus, and alchemer (driver). Autogun's charges are extremely powerful but kind of boring. Magnus's charges are powerful and interesting, but a little difficult to set up well. Alchemer's charges are powerful and very interesting (because they take a little skill), and the regular attacks are also great.
In contrast, Blasters have okay-but-not-astounding damage and they are quite boring.

"Yes Blitz Needle is good, but what are you going to use that 4k-damage charge against? Wolvers? No. Devilites? HELL NO! You only got Trojans, Gorgos and those lizards + Lord Vanaduke of course."
Why not? I've used Blitz Charges to wipe out clusters of Pitbosses. I've used it to oneshot Alpha Wolvers and clusters of Chromalisks. Blitz charges stagger targets or knock them off their feet, letting it take out even dodgy foes. Not to mention that the Blitz charge is one of the longest ranged attacks in the game, longer range than Devilite attacks. It's not easy, and I don't recommend relying on it exclusively to get you through a level. Yet it's undeniably effective.
The main reason I see why people hate on the Blitz is what both you and Bopp touched on: people simply don't find it fun. They associate it with grinding FSC which has turned stale and dull.

Dunno why Zero says that its bad VS devilites.....
Blitz easily wipes any amount of devilites with just one charged shot. If you are modded for firerate, it will not lock you in place for long too.
It also prevents devilited from throwing. So if you caught them in needle spray, they will not be able to attack you.
Wolvers also cant dodge it after they initiated their bite. And since they tend to tightly group around you before biting, Blitz will kill whole pack for you if timed nicely.
Just dont spam it like any other gun. Charge time and attack speed are important for this gun.

The main reasons I hate using it against Wolvers and Devilites is that they tend to dodge a lot and appear in large numbers, so if you managed to lock one or two in your charge, there are more around to smack you while you're totally vulnerable. Another reason is that it's extremely boring and almost useless without having CTR. Even the "lame" blasters are so fun compared to them. Also for people who say their damage is moderate... you either don't heat them or you don't know how to switch effectively. If the latter is true then I advise you to switch from next/previous weapon-switching to switching with keybindings. It's much faster for some reason... it's gonna be a bit of an odd feeling at first but you'll get used to it.

I would say needle against...
wolvers is about timing.
devilites is about distance.
Here is my old old bad video against them.
wolver -
devilite -
There sure are multiple choices for each of the guns you mentioned but I'll go with the best ones in my opinion.
Autogun = Blitz Needle which is extremely situational and only useful in FSC's boss fight and Trojans, other than that it's pretty garbage.
With the blaster though, you can go for an Arcana which demolishes crowds of undead and constructs in no time as long as you're skilled at single switching. Or you can get a Riftlocker which is considered one of the best guns to use against Devilites and other fiends and a few beasts.
But I think your question is that... Does FSC always come first? Well that depends on whether you're gonna farm rads or crowns. If you're gonna farm rads (D&N) then a blaster would help much due to its mobility, if you're gonna farm crowns (FSC) then you'll need a Blitz Needle. Or you can always go for the Blaster and focus on watering and killing the minions in the final fight in FSC. All up to you. But my personal recommendation is getting a Blaster and more specifically, Arcana. If you have an Acheron then you don't really need anything other than Acheron + Arcana.