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Rate my loadouts

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill

So I can't log onto Spiral Knights for the time being, but I just can't stop thinking of it, I like this game so much that I'm always planning things to do when I come back. So I've been reworking my control theme and planning to get some new gear, and I thought maybe I could put my thoughts up on the forums so I can know what people think of the gear I'm planning to get and where to use them effectively, and maybe some new knight will benefit from my new control theme or my new planned loadouts.

Controls : -

W : move north
S : move south
A : move west
D : move east
spacebar : move forward
LMB : action
RMB / MMB : Shield
Q : weapon slot 1
E : weapon slot 2
scroll up : weapon slot 3
scroll down : weapon slot 4
tab / left shift / left ctrl : dash
left alt : shield bash
1 : quickslot 1
2 : quickslot 2
3 : quickslot 3
4 : quickslot 4
Z : sprite ability 1
X : sprite ability 2
C : sprite ability 3
num 0 : view map
num . : reply
~ : HUD lock
right shift : loadouts

These controls may seem a bit weird at first but bear with me I'll explain how this works.
When gunning one usually uses WASD to move and the mouse to aim, I always have at least a blaster-type weapon equipped, so single and double switching is vital for my playstyle. So by using the MMB and the mouse wheel to switch between them becomes so easy as all you have to do is press the mouse wheel and move it slightly to get an instant switch. As for the dash when gunning, use tab because it's closer than the other buttons when using WASD movement. As for swords I prefer using the walking forward movement as I chase my victims so using spacebar to walk forward and LMB to attack and RMB to shield is pretty normal for these scenarios. Shift is set to both left shift and left ctrl so you'll never misclick, also these are the closeSt buttons to your hand when holding spacebar with your thumb and switching with Q and E. The quickslots and sprite abilities will be always close to your hand as well when using any kind of movement. Shield bash is set to left alt as to not misclick when you want to dash, so it's away from it. The view map, HUD lock, loadouts and reply buttons are far away from the main controls to not interfere with the battle if you misclick by mistake.

My planned arsenal : -

Warmaster Rocket Hammer wrh
Acheron (ASI: high) ach
Final Flourish (ASI: high) ff
Final Flourish (ASI: med) ff
Winmillion (ASI: low) win
Savage Tortofist (CTR: med) savage
Omega Tortofist (CTR: med) omega
Gorgofist (CTR: med) gorgo
Riftlocker (ASI: med) rift
Arcana (ASI: med) arc
Phantamos (ASI: med) phant

Loadouts : -

Unknown Passage

wrh ~ lumbers
ach ~ anything that isn't a zombie
arc ~ zombies, lumbers, slimes
phant ~ gremlins, lumbers, slimes

Dreams and Nightmares

ff ~ because wolvers dodge gunfire
savage ~ the zombie/wolver and zombie/gremlin waves
gorgo ~ the lumber/gremlin and lumber/slime waves
arc ~ slimes and lumbers

The Gloaming Wildwoods (both SL and regular)

ff ~ for everything
ff ~ because one isn't enough
omega ~ the charge is useful against the huge crowds of undead
arc ~ provoke wolvers and kill whatever survived omega's charge and kill turrets

Royal Jelly Palace (both SL and regular)

ach ~ because duh
gorgo ~ the charge is useful against the crowds of slimes and giant lichen colonies, standard attacks can get you out of danger when you got too close with ach combos as well, also rips apart the ice queen
omega ~ the charge is useful against the crowds of lumbers
phant ~ kill whatever survived gorgo's and omega's charge and kill turrets

Ironclaw Munitions Factory (both SL and regular)

ach ~ for everything and the boss fight
win ~ for attacking scatterbots from a distance and knocking them back
omega ~ the charge is useful against mechaknights and crowds of constructs
phant ~ for gremlins and slimes that are dangerous to go close to

Firestorm Citadel (both SL and regular)

wrh ~ for trojans and almirian crusaders
savage ~ for the boss fight cause blitz isn't just fun enough
omega ~ the charge is useful against the very large crowds of undead
arc ~ for everything

Lockdown (striker)

ff ~ for obvious reasons
ff ~ for more obvious reasons
rift ~ because it's annoying
arc ~ because now it's double as annoying

Lockdown (recon)

ach ~ setting ambushes
omega ~ setting traps with the charge and trolling around
rift ~ main source of damage
arc ~ more damage

Lockdown (guardian)

wrh ~ for moving around
ff ~ for when someone gets close
rift ~ to support from a distance
arc ~ more guns equal more support

I'm not showing off or anything, I just want some good constructive feedback on my new controls/loadouts to try to make the game as fun as possible. I currently run around with the black kat set and swiftstrike buckler and 2 penta heart trinkets at all times and I'm planning to craft a fallen set and omega shell for trolling around and training around fiends with some penalties. Also I'd like if you can suggest a loadout using the weapons I mentioned above to places I haven't made loadouts for. Thanks for taking the time to reply, and sorry for the long post. ^vvvv^

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
bombs, trinkets

Well, your loadouts are generally quite powerful, and if they work for you then that's that.

I'm surprised that there are no bombs in here. Nitronome is really useful in Unknown Passage; Dark Retribution can be very powerful in Dreams and Nightmares; Ash of Agni and Voltaic Tempest can slaughter crowds in many places. And Dark Briar Barrage...

It's great that you have some ASI and CTR UVs on your weapons. But I would replace the health trinkets with even more ASI or CTR.

Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill

I know bombs are always a plus (as I used to be a bomber) but I don't have any form of CTR as I only use black kat set at the moment and in all honesty I'm gonna get bored of them soon cause I used to exclusively use bombs, plus I'm gonna use the tortofists mainly for their charge which is so bomb-like. So I think the tortofists can make up for not using bombs. Also regarding trinkets, I already have VH-max ASI and med-VH CTR under normal circumstances as I'm alwas using swiftstrike buckler. Does having an extra low or med ASI or CTR matter that much? Is it enough to compensate for 6 health bars?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Does having an extra low or med ASI or CTR matter that much?

It depends on what you mean by "that much". You'd presumably have 5-star trinkets, each giving ASI+2 or CTR+2. And each level of ASI increases attack rates by 4%, and each level of CTR increases charging rates by maybe 7%.

It's noticeable but not game-changing. If it seems small to you, then consider how much money you've already spent to get such small improvements. I'm just saying that you could keep going.

Is it enough to compensate for 6 health bars?

It depends on how much you use health. Six health bars are worthless, if the monsters never hit you.

I'm just always surprised when players go all-out on offensive armor and then use defensive trinkets. But if that seems like a nice balance to you, then go for it.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Really it's whatever works for you. If you enjoy doing FSC without blitz then that's fine. I can't tell you how to play the game... though I can tell you how I play the game and what I think is best and what I've seen others do, and that would of course be bringing blitz to Vanaduke, because in my experience it makes the fight 100 times easier and faster. The tortofists work for him, but just aren't the same dynamic, and do much less damage.

Generally the same goes for your other loadouts.