normal damage loadout

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Clown-Town-Mayor's picture

So I have a ASI med Troika, and a CTR med Magnus, I'm too lazy to get any other weapons, so I wanted to ask for other's opinions on which armor and shield should I get? should I get armor that compliments the Troika or the Magnus?

I intend to take the Magnus into an iron slug

Since this I am going for my first set of five star armor I don't intend to take chaos set or kat armor or anything that would sacrifices more defense for offense then normal (something like wolver lines are fine since they don't have negative resistance)

Thank you for your time and opinion

Traevelliath's picture

You'll want the Perfect Mask of Seerus to speed up your Gun's charge speed. I guess you can also try one of the gunner armors, but that's a bit of a labyrinth to navigate. I'd recommend the Sacred Falcon Pathfinder Armor for pierce resist, the Sacred Falcon Sentinel Armor for elemental resist, and/or the Sacred Falcon Shade Armor for shadow resist. All gunner armors give one status resist and one status vulnerability, and the Falcon line offers Shock Resist but Freeze Vulnerability. If you're in a team, people can break you out of freeze, so I tend to not worry too much about that vulnerability (unless I'm doing a lot of solo play). If you're not comfortable with a freeze status vulnerability, then you can try the Grizzly line (For example, Sacred Grizzly Pathfinder Armor), which offers Freeze Resist and Poison vulnerability. Of all the statuses, Poison is the "softest" and most easily managed IMO. Ultimately, the Sacred Pathfinder/Sentinel/Shade will give a low bonus to gun ASI, CTR, and Damage. Combine with your natural UV and the Mask, you'll get a net CTR Max (if the Iron Slug is heat level 5 or higher), ASI Med, and Damage low.

Admittedly, this is focusing heavily on the gun, because I find Troikas just... ehhhh. They're slow and their damage is passable at best, underwhelming at worst. On the other hand, Iron Slug is amazing when you got the CTR, and it'll take you far through the game.

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

I'd probably pick up a vortex bomb for use with your slug, and then keep sudaruska as a side weapon for use finishing off things.

Basically you'd be going for...

Mask of Seerus
Volcanic Demo Suit

Sudaruska (or just get a node slime whacker; they're cheap and fashionable)
Iron Slug
Electron Vortex, preferably a ctr med one but ctr low would do you just fine as well.

This would let you clump the enemies to slug them which is rather important considering that right now you lack crowd control. It's also a very acceptable loadout for dreams and nightmares, which would let you heat your gear in record time so that you can do FSC runs, danger mission runs, whatever you want to do when you branch out more.

Clown-Town-Mayor's picture

I see the mask of seerus being preety important here, but what if I (at the momment) can't get a Mask of Seerus? Is there any alternatives?

Fehzors-Forum-Alt's picture

The gunner armors and hats offer decent bonuses as well, as Traevelliath points out in his post.

Zero-Chill's picture

Divine Veil and Chaos Cloak are like a jack of all trades. The Divine Veil counters the medium fire, shock and curse debuffs and makes them a medium buff instead and poison and freeze statuses aren't that much of a threat. You also get excellent elemental defense and some shadow and normal defense as well. You get medium charge time reduction across all weapons, medium damage bonus for all monsters across all weapons and very high damage against fiends which are considered the most dangerous monsters in the game and especially cause they appear in groups. + you get a free halo and some awesome shoulder spikes. For a shield I advise you to get 2 (one for speed and one for heavy-duty shielding). Omega shell is my favourite defensive shield, you should also craft a swiftstrike buckler because evantually you'll learn to dodge and find that your shield will be a bit less important. I advise that you save some crowns and then exchange them for energy and buy operation crimson hammer as it's just a very good investment. If you get it (and you WILL get it evantually), get perfect mask of seerus, it pairs well with about anything. My suggestion would be using it with vog cub coat or volcanic demo suite if you're gonna craft a vortex (and you SHOULD craft a vortex) because that would give you some pretty good fire resistance which is nice for farming the sole free tier-3 boss (lord vanaduke).
Good luck. Hope I helped.

Bopp's picture

I have a detailed armor guide that covers your armor questions. So do other people.

For shield the obvious answer is Barbarous Thorn Shield. It gives an offensive bonus without sacrificing much defense. If you want a really defensive shield, then choose it based on statuses. I recommend Grey Owlite for fire and shock or Dread Skelly for freeze and poison.

I don't understand the weapon part of your question. You're "too lazy to get any other weapons", but you want to know what weapons we recommend?

Clown-Town-Mayor's picture
@ Bopp

Whoops! looks like I accidently switched armor and weapons around, I edited the question to fix that, thanks.