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Price Check for Black Fowl Cowl

3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

I just bought a Black Fowl Cowl for 300k, I just really wanna know if I got totally scammed. Thanks!

Portrait de Traevelliath

In general, the Bazaar is the ideal place for this sort of thing.

Other than that, I tend to use this SK Merch tool to get a vague estimate for the prices. I find the website tends to underestimate the products by a fair amount, but it gets a decent ballpark.

In my, not at all scientific guestimation powers, I'd say you paid a bit much but not an unreasonable amount.

Ok ty for the help! The guy I

Ok ty for the help! The guy I bought it from said that was super low price. ;-;

Portrait de Azuresh
The seller might be lying about the price and sell for expensive

Howhever, if the price is reasonable or not doesnt mean it was " a bad deal ".

As long as you are happy with what you paid and what you got, it was a good deal.