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Are the Obisidian items worth it?

13 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Azuresh


Im currently only interested in the bomb, but id like your opinions...

Are the Obisidian items worth going for? If so, which?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Obsidian Edge is comparable in quality to Acheron, but I would usually choose Acheron, because you might as well just kill things. See

Obsidian Carbine is probably more useful than Sentenza, because you can spread poison and thus foil healers. But Antigua-style guns are tedious and not very strong. I prefer Winter Grave, Umbra Driver, etc.

Based on many forum threads, the consensus seems to be that Electron Vortex is slightly better than Obsidian Crusher, which is slightly better than Graviton Vortex. The reason is that shock stops the vortex collapse knockback, but poison is useful too. I've never seen Celestial Vortex used, but I'd guess that fire is comparable to poison on a vortex bomb.

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

I don't think I've ever equipped my Carbine since getting my Grim Repeater and Winter Grave. Even then, the only time I use my antigua-style weapons are when I need to invest heavily in defense - more specifically, immunity sets. However I only really use my immunity sets in Compound 42 and Ghosts in the Machine. I like an Argent Peacemaker in GitM to chip down undead, and a Sentenza in C42. I guess the Carbine would be great for the Royal Jelly Pallace, but do you really need to make a specific 5* weapon to deal with a Tier 2 boss?

Obsidian Edge is good, but outclassed. I still rate it highly among swords. However, simply put, "Why poison when you can just kill?" It's not that Obsidian Edge is bad, it's just that the Acheron is WAAAY too good.

Obsidian Crusher is good though. I prefer the shock from the Electron Vortex, but vortexes are always amazing.

Bild des Benutzers The-Blue-Salamandr
Simply put

Get them all. I don't care if you won't use them often it doesn't matter, sometimes it is a nice to have. Simply get them because you know what? You will never have to farm Apoc ever again.

And it doesn't take long just get the mats and craft them later

Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill

Obsidian Edge

Rivals: Acheron
Stats: Strong poison, awesome charge animation, less damage than Acheron.
Opinion: It's better than Acheron against gremlins when you charge but if you prefer to have some action with the hack 'n slash style go with Acheron.

Obsidian Carbine

Rivals: Sentenza, Phantamos
Stats: Poison, awesome charge animation, no damage bonus, no knockback.
Opinion: It's better than Sentenza because poison is almost necessary vs gremlins it also is better for slimes. Phantamos has better DPS and knockback I would go with it for slimes instead. The charge can kill most non-resistant turrets and has a very high chance for causing poison.

Obsidian Crusher

Rivals: Electron Vortex, Graviton Vortex, Celestial Vortex, Venom Veiler
Stats: Strong poison, awesome charge animation.
Opinion: Personally I prefer vortexes over hazes for causing statuses since they have strong statuses unlike the minor statuses from hazes. Poison is good against gremlins. It can almost catch up with the damage of Graviton Vortex if poison kicks in it also buffs all your weapons' damage. Electron Vortex is the best vortex due to shock making monsters stay in place most of the time while also dealing damage. Celestial Vortex is better against ice cubes and zombies since they are weak against fire. Graviton Vortex falls short in terms of usefulness and damage too but it still gets the job done if that's all you can get.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Obsidian Carbine --- Rivals: Sentenza, Phantamos

Why are those its rivals? Why not Winter Grave, Umbra Driver, and Grim Repeater?

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Honestly these weapons are mediocre because there's nowhere with enough healing to make them useful, especially considering that you have to go up against the harvester to create them. Why bother countering healers when you can just murder them and everything else in sight? This could easily change but for now menders and silkwings just aren't a threat for experienced players.

They're relatively fun weapons though. Definitely craft them if you have time, if only for trophies.

Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill


Because Winter Grave and Grim Repeater have entirely different mechanics as you have to stop and shoot or they're charge oriented. For the Umbra Driver though, I don't think it can be a rival for it since it has a small clip size and is usually viewed as charge-oriented, also it has a high skill wall to use the normal attacks effectively. When you use blasters and Antigua's it's cause you want to chip damage till you get close enough to use a sword. The Phantamos, however, can do way more damage than Obsidian Carbine so it can be considered as a high-damage single-target weapon.


If you ever play in any place with gremlins you'd know how valuable poison is. Arenas, deconstruction zones, etc... Also you don't have to farm that much to get all of the materials needed for them. I once farmed for 13 Obsidian Weapons in one event. I only made 4 and was thinking of making more and selling them but honestly I'm too lazy to make them. Back to poison. Why not murder everything in 5 mins when you can apply poison to counter menders and convert their healing into damage and murder everything in 3 mins? I think they are worth crafting but I wouldn't still use Obsidian Carbine over Phantamos because it requires a lot of clicking (I once swole my finger for using a low-leveled Obsidian Carbine with Acheron for too much time), or Obsidian Edge over Acheron because I don't play in a lot of places with gremlins, but I would use Obsidian Crusher over Electron Vortex in PvP and PvE in some cases.

The items worth getting in order: Obsidian Crusher, Obsidian Carbine, Obsidian Edge

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Thanks for your explanation, Zero-Chill. You make a good point about staying mobile as you approach the enemy. I'm usually charging my sword as I approach, but your play style is reasonable.

Let me take this opportunity to repeat one of my standard pieces of advice for sworders: It is okay to use a powerful gun as a sidearm. One does not have to use the "easy" guns (Antiguas, Blasters, Pulsars).

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Zero, that's mostly what I said? They're not bad, they're just not good because the game doesn't give us very many areas to make them REALLY worthwhile.... But they could easily give us an area with a ton of gremlins and those healing crystals or something.. I consider them future-proofing weapons.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
just admit it

Just admit it, Fehzor: You've never played in any place with gremlins.

Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill


Have you ever played OCH or any arena in arcade or missions? Deconstruction zones? Or even regular arcade runs? Grinchlin Assault maybe? Even LoA has many healers in the final arena, enough to make obsidian weapons good there even if everything there is good against shadow. Just apply poison and let the silkwings that spawn in the final wave of the final room do the job. Seriously, poison is just the vest status out there. I don't use the obsidian weapons since I use maskraith for poison BTW.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I.. I've never seen a gremlin before... I just.. I want to fit in. Ok??? Is that so much to ask????

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

Again, the main issue is "why kill them slowly when you can just kill them quickly?" The only time where I really need to poison people is in the final wave of T3 Arenas that have Gremlin Healers, and even then it's just because of their heal circle thingies. With the Obsidian Edge in particular, you need to be REALLY charge spammy in a healer dense area to make it superior than the Acheron. But if we're charge spamming that much, I'd rather have high DPS charges that just outright kill things.

The exception is the Obsidian Crusher, but that's just because it's an objectively better graviton vortex, not because of specifically having poison. Even then, there's not much reason to use the Obsidian Crusher over an Electron Vortex IMO. It'd work better against Gremlins I guess... but T3 Gremlins got back-shields which messes up any attempt to nuke a vortex. Vortexes in general are all about grouping enemies up and then nuking them down as quickly as possible, so a status that helps you slowly wear them down in the presence of healers only helps the clean up.