Any tips for using Magnuses effectively?

Title says it all.
I usually see people simply aiming at a crowd and having the Iron Slug hit each enemy like, 2 - 4 times, yet when i use it it is just kinda weird. Sometimes its projectile get through 1 \ 2 enemies and kinda vanishes, and instead of pushing them fowards and hiting them multiple times, it just strangely pushes them completely to the right \ left, sometimes even backwards. ( By that, i mean, for example, if im aiming at an enemy very closely in the top corner of the last room in FSC D27 with a charged shot, pointing to the gate, it literally launches the enemy to behind me, across the room )
Any tips \ hints on how to make it more effective?

Oh... So thats how the knockback works.
About the range thing : Yeah, i had figured it out and im trying to get better at it.
Though, still, at extremely close range ( By that i mean the enemie's hitbox touching mine ), no matter where it faces, it seems to always knockback to way behind me. Ill still experiment a bit more.
Thank you!

It's also worth noting that Magnus charges output too much knockback on most enemies (like Scuttlebots and Zombies). Even if they're facing you, a tick of damage pushes them several tiles back, so you only hit them around 3 times normally. This can be dealt with in a variety of ways, such as Freeze/Shock/Sleep, trapping enemies against ledges, or (my personal favorite) pushing them against a second enemy.
Take a look at this gif, for example. My Callahan charge pushes a Frostifur into an Alpha Frostifur, which is then pushed into a Silkwing. The end result is that I get a bunch of extra hits and end up killing everything in one charge. With practice, you can get to the point where you obliterate Zombies and Crusaders, some of the bulkiest enemies in the game.

> the hitbox for carries is (slightly) bigger than the bullet, so you can pull some stuff from slightly outside the bullet path.
> i never use autotarget with it because that kinda messes with my aim
_> if you have it on you target one specific enemy, large groups usually don't line up well behind one enemy
> carrying enemies can work even if they aren't directly facing you, as seen with the alpha wolver in Solanales's gif
_> because of this, firing from behind or slightly behind another knight in parties works well even if the other knight has the enemy aggro
_> Im not 100% sure the angle, but around 90 degrees they get knocked straight backwards.
__> because of this, you can bail a teammate out if they're in a bad spot and you have a charge to use
> Charge attack leaves you high and dry, learn the knockback you take and don't put yourself into bad situations with it
extending on Traevelliath's point to learn the range of charge attacks, in most lichen missions you can practice range by breaking the grass with your gun instead of a sword. After you learn there, it becomes much easier to do in mission, and it alleviates the need to learn in harder situations.
good luck and enjoy!
It pushes them backwards from the direction they're facing, not backwards from the shot. You need the enemy to be facing you to carry them with the shot. Works best on slower enemies like Constructs (especially lumbers) and Zombies. It makes no sense, but gameplay wise its pretty interesting.
Also, you want to memorize the maximum range of the Magnus charge. At the very end of the Magnus charge, the charge shot explodes and hits 3-ish times. When you see people taking out turrets with Magnuses, it's usually because they have this max range memorized and can hit the turret right when the shot fizzles and hits multiple times. Furthermore, when someone uses a Vortex+Slug combo, they're also often using this max range.