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Is purchasing recipes and getting materials for a 3-Stared full set worth it?

3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

I'm currently on Rank 5-2, 2 missions away from fighting the Jelly Boss as part of the story mode. Right now, I have been rewarded with 3 Advanced Orbs and some recipes to upgrade my 2-Stared Cobalt Armor Set and Weapons to their 3-Stared variant. However, I don't have enough Orbs to craft the entire set, meaning that I will have to farm crowns to get energy to purchase them from the market, or I'll just have to keep grinding in order to, hopefully, get the as drops.

My question is, what would be better? To save up my money and resources for when I'm able to build a 4-Stared Set or to just arm myself with 3-Stared gear until later? I feel like if I'm just patient enough I will be able to beat the rest of the missions with my current 2-Stared set and then I will gain access to 4-Stared gear which will definitely require me to have a lot of resources to make.

I love this game and I'm having a lot of fun, but it really feels like I've reached the point where, if I don't grind for hours, I won't be able to keep moving on without dropping cash to consistently arm myself to be ready for the following missions.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

If I were you I'd try to just chill out and take things slow. Go on runs you want to go on, and do what you like. The orbs and stuff will come naturally. The game's pacing is wack, so you don't need to be ready for that next mission ahead of time.

As for a direction I'd recommend working towards chaos cloak + mask of Seerus.. but how you get there is really up to you.

Portrait de Flash-Flire

For one, cobalt armour is garbage and you should buy some sort of specialised armour from the Hall of Heroes (either a class armour or the elemental defense line to get to Chaos). For two, you'll need to make 3 star gear to get to 4 star anyway, so you do need to make 3* stuff.

For three, as Fehzor said, it's best to just play the things that you fun instead of trying to rush ahead and get the best stuff quickly (since that's basically impossible anyway). And yeah, the pacing of SK is god awful, so

(Also, are you playing on Elite difficulty? Because you should be, since it's the only one that gives you decent drops)

Portrait de Bopp

You should make three-star gear, because you need it to make four-star gear. Yes, you should farm for crowns to buy the orbs (unless you get lucky and find the orbs along the way).

But you should plan for your long-term items now. The mission-given weapons (Calibur, Blaster, Blast Bomb lines) are good but not great. The armor and shield are downright awful. So read some guides on the wiki, forums, etc. For example, here is my sword guide and here is my armor guide.

Yes, there is some grinding in this game. That's why it's especially important to plan ahead and not waste your resources on crummy gear.