grim repeater and blitz

is it a good idea to make a set with only a grim repeater and blitz needle? right now i have dark chaingun and needle shot and im doing quite well, i wish to only have two weapons because i dont plan on buying those weapons slots(at least not until later on)
I was planning to make it with the seerus mask (I have the expansion) and a shadowsun slicker, the shield will be the free one from the missions since there are no gun shields(maybe swiftstrike but my net is slow so i might need the shield)
so what you most experienced guys think about this?

Once you hit Tier 3, I'd recommend trying a third wep slot. 250E a month, is roughly 750cr per day (for 30 days) at 90cr per 1E. Until then though, it's going to be a bit awkward, especially if you don't have the CTR. Which sprite do you have? You may want to get into the habit of using your sprite's first skill to compensate for your Autogun's recovery time.
In theory, I use both a Blitz and GR together all the time. However, I'm also running around with +Dam Max and CTR Max. I'm not sure how effective it will be without that improved CTR. I suspect you're going to have some issues.

It's a good idea to try everything in this game, including extra weapon slots. But I haven't used extra weapon slots in years, and I enjoy the constraints of playing with just two weapons at a time. So don't feel that you must use extra weapon slots.
As far as effectiveness goes, these Autoguns obviously have very strong attacks. If you know the AI well enough to not get killed while using them, then the loadout should work.
As far as fun goes, I think that Autoguns are pretty boring, and an Autogun-only loadout would be super boring. But to each his own.
If you really like the autogun line's attack style then go for it. Autoguns are pretty powerful against every enemy in the clockworks. Don't underestimate their basic attack either. Of course, if you wanted some mobility you would need to get a different gun. Grim Repeater's charge attack does do knockback and can provide some slide defense. However, blitz's charge attack does not deal any knockback, so you need to be careful when you launch the charge and make sure you don't leave yourself vulnerable. If you want some extra defense, you can always get another weapon slot, and go for a blaster or pulsar line gun.