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What are the best shields and shield UV combos?

5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Pawn

I am wanting to get a very nice shield and was wondering:
What are the best shields?
(owlite, plate, and ???)
And what are the best UV's to get on them?

I have opinions of my own, but wanted to get a larger scope of the general consensus on the forums.

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm
owlite and plate. Elemental

owlite and plate. Elemental and shadow. Maybe normal. Best is elemental.

Legacy Username
I have eight 4 or 5 star

I have eight 4 or 5 star shields now and the one I go back to again and again is Grey Owlite. Places where I need to shield tend to either have lots of elemental (arena bullet hell/20 mech knights) or lots of fire (FSC or Tier 3 Gremlin Scorchers). I've tried, can't beat that shield.

Elemental, shadow and normal are all useful. Probably in that order. UVs don't add a ton of defense to your shield, especially compared to the amount of defense it already has. Someone recently tried a low vs max UV on a 5* plate shield, I think the max broke in 12 hits, the low in 11 hits from a jelly cube. Wish I could find that forum post, darn you search!

Bild des Benutzers Chisgule

I'll put in a vote for shadow, but according to culture, it sounds like it's not a big deal either way.

Legacy Username

In my mind, the ultimate shield would be a Grey Owlite with the max shadow UV. Being able to soak up hits from T3 undead and fiends is pretty nice. Fire resist is pretty nice for pushing through the walls of flame prevalent in T3. The dragon scale shield could be nice too but I think it'd be strictly a T3 implement. I think most of the utility in a shield comes from being able to bounce stuff or survive multiple small hits.

I also read the post that Culture is referencing. Yeah, the enhancement for defense UVs on shields appears to be less significant than helms and armor.

Bild des Benutzers Pawn

thanks guys