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Best armor to complement cutter

6 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Rodovisky

im making a wild hunting blade, and maybe i will also make a DVS later, i know that the WHB may not be the best weapon but i have tons of fun with the cutter and i want that interrupt effect on the charge attack.
but im in doubt about which of the wolver armor should i get, the skolver or the vog, im also working on the Barbarous thorn shield.
my set will be one of these armor the WHB and a gun or bomb as sidearm, probably the valiance since i already have a blaster and all the recipes.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Skolver will have the biggest effect on your sword's DPS (and flinching abilities) against non-beast enemies.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

My sword guide and armor guide are both relevant to your question.

As Fehzor said, the damage bonus effect is numerically bigger than the ASI effect, but its practical effect is highly situational: Sometimes you can kill the target in fewer strokes, but sometimes you can't. This argument doesn't strongly favor Skolver or Vog Cub.

Another consideration is all of the button pressing that you'll have to do. When these Cutter swords have lots of ASI, my fingers actually get tired, trying to use it all up. This argument slightly favors Skolver.

Another consideration is unique variants. You can get ASI as a UV, but you can't get blanket damage bonus against all enemies. This is a strong argument for Skolver.

Another consideration is defense. They're both good armor, but Vog Cub's defense is probably more useful in more situations for most people. This argument favors Vog Cub.

Another consideration is future-proofing. Skolver is almost (but not entirely) obsoleted by Black Kat, which you will eventually own --- at least, the 3-star helmet, which is almost as good as any Black Kat armor. This argument favors Vog Cub Cap over Skolver Cap, but doesn't favor the suit as strongly.

So in the end the two armors are pretty balanced. Which is refreshing in a game where much of the armor is not balanced.

Bild des Benutzers Rodovisky
bopp i read your sword guide

bopp i read your sword guide a lot of times already XD but i wanted information on these armors specifically about these weapons, like fehzors said that the damage helped with the interrupt effect, i did not know about that.
and looking on all the arguments i think i will go towards skolver, i do have that issue of a tired finger sometimes as well XD and the damage looks important for flinching, than after i get used with t3 and vana i got for the other sets, i do have the WRH to aid on fsc.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
sounds fine

That sounds like a fine plan. Enjoy. :)

Bild des Benutzers Zero-Chill
The cutters are already so

The cutters are already so fast so ASI won't affect DPS that much, damage bonus however would be best, actually having them as slow as possible is a good plan to avoid damaging your fingers (I once swole my right hand's index finger for playing with ASI med Obsidian Carbine and ASI high Acheron for too much time) except if you're planning to use the charge a lot. Skolver would be the best option here. I see the Dread Venom Striker superior to the Wild Hunting Blade for the simple fact that it has poison instead of the damage vs beasts bonus as it's not very situational and due to the many hits that the sword land the slight chance of inflicting poison is doubled (if you can hit the ghost blades). Interruption on the charge isn't that important since it's highly situational, I used to use it on only med-health big enemies like Lumbers, Alpha Wolvers and Trojans and on turrets from after they start their attack animation. Remember that you have to be behind the enemy if you're planning to use the charge, I don't think the WHB interrupts Lumbers or Alpha Wolvers and if it interrupts Trojans then that's actually bad because you want them nailed during the whole charge rather than turn around and smack you. WHB would only be better on turrets IMO that's only if you're too lazy to go behind them or time your charge correctly.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

I've seen only one thorough data set about how ASI affects Cutter speed:

The data suggest that each level of ASI increases DPS by about 4%, in line with other swords. There's some funny business around ASI+6, but that might be user error. So I don't know of any quantitative evidence that ASI affects Cutter DPS less than DPS of other swords.

I agree with your other point, that one must carefully position yourself behind an enemy, before using a Cutter charge.