Does Gran Faust have a higher self=curse chance?
Right now I'm wearing a Dusker set, both pieces have curse resist medium.
I've charge attacked with a Faust about 100 times now, and haven't gotten cursed once yet. Can I expect to get self-cursed when I turn it into a Gran Faust?

Mainly no because it is still a CHANCE of recieving curse and not medium or whatever. Congrats on getting curse resist.
Wait so curse resist does or does not prevent grand faust self curse?

Does occasionaly if you charge it. Not as often though if you have curse resist.
No amount of resist will make you immune to curse from your own charge attack. Even with no resistance you'll only occasionally get cursed, maybe 1 in 5 or so (just observed from playing around in subtowns...) Increasing your curse resist should reduce the chance of becoming cursed and also reduce the severity and length of the curse. I say "should" because resistances are not really consistent, we don't yet know exactly how they work.
WEll, yes and no.