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Good 2* Gearing

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

Hey, new to the game, just starting to plan out my 2* gear set, for t1 and the occasional t2 runs. I'm thinking:

Wpn1: Blaster/Shadowtech/Firotech, depending on weaknesses I'm likely to find.
Wpn2: Cutter
Helm: Jelly
Shield: Volt Breaker
Armour: Skelly Suit

This isn't for specific grinding, just for being open to anything. And no "Y U NO JK GEARED?"

Legacy Username
Your setup would be fine for

Your setup would be fine for T1, that tier is very forgiving it would be hard to pick something that wouldn't work.

Though, I would recommend changing out the Volt Breaker since it isn't going to last. That line ends at 3* so won't be something you can use for a long time to come. Check out some of the shields that go all the way to 5* so that your early investment will pay off. If you are worried about shock in particular, the Owlite series has shock protection and fire, which is also quite deadly.

Your helm/armor is lacking elemental defense. That isn't going to be an issue at all in T1, but in the bottom half of T2 you'll want some elemental defense due to gun puppies, mecha knights and retrodes. Elemental defense in the shield doesn't count since the shield's defense only works when the shield is up.

Legacy Username
@culture it gets too hectic

@culture it gets too hectic down there to shield up? I'm pretty good at it atm, can generally go through battle arenas with only half loss. Being a 'slinger has it's advantages.

But yeah, in all honestly, i'd be fine swapping skelly for magic. just going to be going down gunslinger at 3* anyways, doesn't need to be anything special, the 2* armour.

Legacy Username
Believe it or not, I'd

Believe it or not, I'd actually recommend not bothering with the Gunslinger set. I'm a gunner, and I have some, but it doesn't really help as much as you'd hope. Guns don't really benefit much from the attack speed boost, unlike swords where lots of IAS can save your bacon by allowing you to shield more quickly. It doesn't do anything about our real problem, which is Guns' reload times.

As I already have mine, and I'm at that stage where I'm trying to assemble armor with multiple defense types, I will be upgrading it as my anti-piercing set. The fact that it has gun-related bonuses on it is nice and convenient, but I find myself spending more time in other armor and not really missing it.

It'd almost be worth getting some of the usual Wolver armor everyone else uses, which will help you more during those few times when you're basically forced to use a sword than the Gunslinger armor will ever really help you anywhere else. You'll get better status defenses out of it anyhow.

Legacy Username
Yeah, I'm just realizing that

Yeah, I'm just realizing that if I do go for JK, which i will, the antigua's so tempting, I'm seriously underloaded on piercing; my shield's going to be elemental. XP Although, if the damage type dealt is against the shield's defence type, does it bypass the shield, or simply go straight to health?

Legacy Username
Shield defense types

No, the defenses shown on a shield loosely indicates its resistance to those types of damage. Every shield also has a Health bar which acts like the shield's hit points. So a gun puppy's elemental attack will do less damage to the shield's HP if the shield was Normal/Elemental instead of Normal/Piercing - both still absorb the attack, but the latter shield will break faster.

Legacy Username
That's what I meant by

That's what I meant by straight to health, thanks for clearing that. So, high health shield is better, in general, than high defence? For just running anything.

Legacy Username
Alrighter, think I've got

Alrighter, think I've got something workable;

Jelly Helm
Owlite Shield
Magic Cloak
Same Weapons (Blaster/Firotech/Shadowtech primary, Cutter/(Snarble Barb OR Flourish) secondary)

Might get into Antigua at 3*, despite the horrendous things I hear about split damage. In all honesty, it's the only source of gunslinger pierce that I find workable with my playstyle. If not, flourish or snarby sword? One I can craft at 2*, opening up better UV chances, while the other has a projectile charge attack, something rather comforting to me.