[WTB] Magmatic Shackles !!!! [WTS] Chilled aura / Floatings Diamonds and More !!
Fr, 12/14/2018 - 03:25
[WTB] Magmatic Shackles / Artic Rogue Mask / Cozzy Crest !! [WTS] Chilled aura / Snipe perch (sea, sage...) / Stranger cap and robe /Floatings Diamonds /Combuster asi med / BTB asi med ctr med
My pseudo in SK : Hyokko
So, 12/16/2018 - 08:47

We need community mods imo. Like I can get why they wouldn't want me but make bopp a mod so that petty threads like this get dealt with in a timely fashion. There isn't even a way to report these threads. But just Bopp. One is enough and she's perfect. No Fangel, no Midnight, no Lego or any of that, nothing wrong with them just Bopp is way more impartial. He wouldn't even need to be able to ban or whatever, just let him move threads and yell at people for posting their stuff in the wrong place.
Offers to trade go in the Bazaar forum. So please move this thread there (by editing the original post, choosing that forum from the drop-down menu, and not leaving a shadow copy). Good luck.