Sealed Sword line Vs. Brandish line
So I've been thinking about this lately. Which one is the better line? Brandish or Sealed Sword?
my main argument for this is because while the sealed sword line is slower, it deals more damage, And the slow thing can be helped by ASI. Plus, double switching. Brandish line however, while it is very fast, ASI is useless for it and so is double switching. for the most part.
So really, Which is the better line?

I have a detailed sword guide, which does comparisons like this:
The two lines are not comparable, because each one splits into multiple damage types, which are not comparable. But within a damage type, the Sealed style hits multiple monsters slowly, while the Brandish style hits one monster quickly, or multiple monsters on charge attacks.
Brandish line however, while it is very fast, ASI is useless for it...
The Brandish swords are medium-fast, and they benefit from ASI like any other sword. See data here:
brandishes are better in every aspect compared to sealed sword. acheron has more dps than faust and a charge atack (a huge pro). the aoe atacks of heavy swords is meaningless when you can charge spam the brandish line like crazy (you're supposed to have chaos set as your first armor anyways) theres no pros to heavy swords (the only niche is being stuck in a corner with no chance to charge your attack) brandishes are op and theres a reason why most solo no hits taken runs in shadowlairs/clockworks are done with chaos+a brandish. so if you want a challenge use the heavy swords, if you want everything done quick and easy then brandish

I agree that the Brandishes are generally stronger, but it's an overstatement to say that they're better in every aspect. On regular attacks, the Sealed Swords knock back a wide swath of monsters. This can be useful in crowded levels, where there is not much time to charge, for keeping many enemies at bay. For example, I'm thinking of the slime-filled rooms of the Ice Queen levels.
i said " (you're supposed to have chaos set as your first armor anyways) theres no pros to heavy swords (the only niche is being stuck in a corner with no chance to charge your attack)" but remember than most people go to shadowslair with max cdr and some bomb alongside brandishes . yeah sometimes things dont go your way but you still have sprites,dashes,shields to protect you when you're stuck so the only niche (hitting a lot of people with 1 swing) is less worth it (i love the avenger and grand faust because of it, but brandishes are always better thats why i dont like them they're op)
They are both balanced around the same damage values as acheron does the same amount of damage as gran faust. Brandishes tend to win out however due to their higher single target DPS and viable charge attack. In a charge based meta, heavy swords that tend to hit 3-5 enemies over 1-3 enemies just aren't as necessary.