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Omega Shell vs Grand Tortoise

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Pharik

Why is the Omega Shell smaller than the Grand Tortoise? I have thought of a few possibilities:
-it was an error, and the sizes should be switched.
-the Omega Shell is a Grand Tortoise that has been subjected to immense pressure, thereby increasing its density and strength while decreasing its size.

Portrait de Bamzalot
The Omega Shell is a Proto Grand Tortoise

The Omega Shell was introduced into the game well before the Grand Tortoise or other Torto shields were added into the game. The differences in appearance, size, and stats is because the shields are completely unrelated in all aspects except for theme. Well, that's the gameplay reason anyways.

If you want a lore explanation, reading the description of each weapon suggests that there are two different kinds of Tortos in the world. Tortodrones, the things that we fight during the event to collect small samples of their shells to eventually forge into the massive shields; and Tortomegas, something that I do not believe are actually found in-game (or at lest not living) but are supposedly of a different breed of Tortodrone. These Tortomegas would likely have much different shell plating. This would explain why the shields differ to such a degree.

Portrait de Zero-Chill

I heard Grand Tortoise used to drop from old tortodrones you used to find in the clockworks right? Why had they been removed? It seemed like a really fun thing to keep...

Portrait de Pharik
Words mean things...oops

I actually meant to ask about the Omega Shell and Stone Tortoise, as one is made from the other. This was a typographical error on my part. I am however intrigued by your explanation of the various Tortos. I'll make a separate post on this in the General forum, as it will veer a bit off-topic.

In this current discussion however, my intended question still stands:

Why is the Omega Shell smaller than its predecessor, the Stone Tortoise?

Portrait de Sgt-Brownie
"Erecting a Handgun Dispenser."

Who knows?

Odds are, Mr Popovitch somehow had an answer to that, but he's been long-long gone since.