Magic Hood UV - worth using?

I recently got a UV low fire resistance Magic Hood. Would it be better to sell it ? I already have a plain elemental hood crafted, that I use - the 3 star version of magic hood. I do however dislike getting fire damage a lot.. Your call guys.
While we are in the topic, are Magic hoods really useful? I liked the look of Grey feather and wanted to get one eventually.. But then again, I could always use one as a costume. I have wolver armor and swiftstrike buckler currently. Along with a flamberge and voltech alchemer.
Fire resistance fetches a good price at the Auction House as it is one of the more deadly statuses. If you need the crowns, go ahead and sell it. Personally, I'd just keep it for myself.

With respect to crafting up gear, I think that it is extremely intelligent to get a nice UV before you're too deeply invested into your set of armor. The "worst-case" scenario is to get to 5* and end up with no UV on a piece of gear. You'll probably end up thinking, "Crap, I wish I had just paid a little bit more in the beginning to have a low or medium UV".
I can't speak to the utility of the magic hood line - I don't use it. I used wolver (now vog cub), and really like the set.
I've got the Grey Feather set with no UVs. No regrets. I even had low curse on the hood at one point and tried for a better UV and didn't get one. I'd sell the hood and just focus on getting your 4* gear, UVs or not. After you have access to T3 and can run T2 content proficiently, then the hunt for cool UV gear can begin.
If it were low defense, rather than low resist, that might be a different story. With the Grey Feather set, you'll have plenty of fire resist and I doubt the low bonus will be too noticeable. You might like having another 4-5k crowns tho'. Maybe buy some energy. :)
Sorry, but bump. I really wanted a feedback on this.