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Embermist Scavengers Recruitment {#Guildpact}

9 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Prof-Delta


Who are we?

We're a guild that was founded back in 2012 by a long gone knight named Konfide and his Scion, Vanishadow. the guild focused on good times and helping others. Eventually the guild was passed on to Fantasizer who passed it on to Xacre. Xacre would go on to merge the guild with Circle of Magic, creating Felixus. Not too long after, we were betrayed and a mass kicking occurred. The offenders were banned from Felixus and the once mighty guild began to wither. Three years have passed and Xacre has handed the guild down to me. Banding together with officers from the old days, we are resurrecting the once mighty guild and hope to one day restore it to its former glory.

What do we do?

Embermist Scavengers has now dedicated its resources to helping new players reach vanguard and succeed in the endgame. We work with new players to help them understand everything from navigating the menu, to loadouts and gear, all the way to understanding how each enemy behaves in PvE and the best way to deal with them.

Our staff motto is to "Create vanguards who can create vanguards.".

In our exclusive guild discord, we post a lot of memes. we also hold spammy events like the "Ping undercase 3000 times for 10k" event and the "Last chat message wins 10k" event.
Ok? so what the hell do you actually contribute to the pact?

Here at embermist we are working hard to make sure every new player in the pact is prepared to venture out alone into the clockworks and tackle any obstacle that may lay in their path.

Meet our staff!

Rank: Co-Leader
Personality: Crazy
Known For: Trolling and creating cursed art
Fun Fact: I am the fourth to lead Embermist Scavengers

Rank: Co-Leader
Personality: Cool
Known for: Probably being the only person with an ASI high triglav.
Fun fact: My favorite number is 14 and I eat pine cones for breakfast.

Rank: Guild Champion **ON LEAVE**
Personality: I like to get ping spammed.
Known For: am that guy that wears full cobalt.
Fun Fact: I have an army of stuffed animals.

Rank: Moderator
Personality: h
Known for: having bad timezone
Fun fact: I lose a lot of auctions because of timezone

To join Embermist Scavengers mail Matter-Displacer, Waffle-The-Nubb or Estorra and ask for an invite!

the guild

how may i join you guys?

Bild des Benutzers Shaunfrost

discord link? cant find it..... srry

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes


Can i Join guld


Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
Guildmates gotta stick together

I'm bumping this page for the sake of it. You can apply for the guild through here:
Alternatively, you can mail crazy-leaves, destructo-error or estorra for an invite.

Are you guys open to new

Are you guys open to new players?

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes
It's likely that you've

It's likely that you've already joined a guild by now, but if not, you're welcome join us. You can apply through here or mail crazy-leaves or urbanned for an invite.


Just sent an application, hope we can dungeon crawl soon. :)

Bild des Benutzers Saltedpotatoes

welcome to the gang matey