Problems with Tier 2
I have been having a lot of problems with Tier 2 right now. I constantly get killed because of Fire and general swarming.
My current set up is:
Helm - Colbalt Helm
Armor - Colbalt Armor
Weapon 1 - Calibur
Weapon 2 - Blast Bomb
Shield - Defender (Possibly Owlite soon?)
Any advice on what I should upgrade/build next? I am tired of getting killed so often and having to rely on my teammates.

Yes i do have advice. Next item should be a blast bomb to replace your protogun.
Bombs allow you to stay alive by staying completely away from wolvers, gremlins, everything, while dropping good dps on many mobs, and enough dps on solo mobs to clear. It is such a safe weapon to use. In t2 in 2* gear, the blast bomb is the best possible 2* weapon you can equip to making you successful in your runs. It is effectively a weapon, crowd control, a shield, and an armor all in one. Making/buying the blast bomb will pay for itself a hundred times over in less rez's, deeper runs, quicker runs, and so on.
I cannot stress enough how far it outpaces other 2* weapons as a means of surviving and profiting.
Even better is the are woefully underpriced at the auction house, so you can probably get one for 2200-2500 crowns and start dominating t2 tomorrow :)
@jeburk I'm sorry, good sir, but what on earth are you smoking? granted, bombs are fairly nice, but you still have to run up next to a monster to drop it. While holding a charged attack. That means you tend to get clobbered by them.
Guns, on the other hand, you can kite with. As long as you don't do the full combo, you can shield mid-way, blocking anything that happens to gain quickly on you. Plus, you're also much further away from the monsters to begin with.
So, you joined 4 days after the Steam promotion...
Allow me to enlighten you on the proper use of a bomb.
You do not drop a bomb at the feet of a monster. You drop it before a monster as it pursues you. This insures that the bomb detonates before the monster reaches the bomb, propelling it backwards. Setting a bomb at the foot of a monster means the bomb will detonate BEHIND it, propelling it TOWARDS you.
Allow me to also enlighten you on the concept of damage. A bomb and a gun deal almost equal damage. A gun deals that damage to one target. A bomb inflicts agony and misery to a collective whole.
With the AoE damage and knockback, a bomb is superior to guns except in the case of enemies that have ranged attacks.
In which case you learn how to dodge.
Right, I stand corrected. Haven't seen too many bombers who've read what you're talking about; that would be the problem.
However, I still tend to enjoy my gun much better than bombs. Just learned to use guns pretty well; can run through a level taking no damage bout a quarter of the time. Think I beat Snarby solo w/o taking damage. Just chained him to heck and back.
@jeburk - I ended up getting the Blast Bomb and my first run through afterwards I got to JK and beat him (my team had some crazy DPS strategy that took him down in about a min) I also recently obtained the Super Blast Bomb recipe so I will be working on building that soon too
@crazy10101 - I tend to see guns as a hindrance because of the fact that you have to stop running from a mob turn and aim at them with bombs you can simply run around dropping them as they walk into them (I had to do this when I was soloing an arena the other day) it keeps you safer and deals more damage to enemies in general because you are hitting more than you would with a gun.
I recently obtained an Owlite Shield and am thinking of replacing my defender with it for t2 runs. Sound idea or should I find a better shield?
@CFedora: You do realise that you don't have to face in the direction you're moving, don't you? I've never had to stop moving to shoot anything, unless I'm using a gun that specifically prevents movement while firing. (Which is basically the Autogun an the Magnus lines only, I think?)
@Aziraphaile I tend to use the Arrows for movement because I don't have any place to place a mouse right now. I forgot that you can actually continue to move and aim using the mouse. My bad.
@CFedora yeah, my thing with bombs is that they leave you with your pants down while charging/holding. Same reason i avoid gun charge attacks most of the time. And on the owlite, planning on getting that myself, full fire and shock resist is delicious. Only thing you'd lose is normal, and go from pierce to elemental. AKA less gun-puppy damage. And the gremlin magic-flame-throwers can't hurt you (as much).
@crazy10101 - The reason I like bombs is the AoE damage and crowd control that you gain from them. The charge for the bomb I am using (blast) isn't that bad and doesn't really slow me down, but I can see your point for planting them as it does take a few milliseconds of standing still. That is the trade off though between bombs and guns though. With bombs you get AoE and crowd control, but need to charge them and have to plant them. With guns you can be constantly mobile, but you can only hit one enemy at a time.
And yes I can't wait for my owlite (damn gun puppies/fire in general), but I'm looking to be a little more self-sustaining before I craft it. So it'll be probably another week before I actually have it.
That's a shame, already close to 1k CE here. I play far too much, clearly. XP
What's your IGN anyways, so I can add?

U mentioned getting killed by fire. I recommed getting som Fire resistant armor like the Salamander suit. It offers fire and elemental damage. (Fire does do elemental damage, right?). As for the swarming, maybe u shoud get a sword like the troika. its slow, but can knock enemies back long enough for u to escape. Here the attack descrepton copied from the wiki:
Basic Attack
A powerful, if slow, 2-hit combo that covers a full 180 degree arc on both swings and has a tremendous reach, even far enough to sometimes hit monsters on the other side of low walls.(When you hold the attack button your character might spin a second time, sometimes this cause a second attack.) The second attack deals higher damage and extreme knock-back, flinging smaller enemies well out of range for them to counter-attack. The troika's basic attacks excel particularly at hitting many enemies at once and clearing them away if the player is being boxed in; the downside is that against single targets the slow attack speed hinders the overall DPS, and against larger enemies that are resistant to knock-back or enemies with strong ranged attacks, the player may find themselves getting counter-attacked before their own attack animation finishes.
Charge Attack
A short leap forward with a very powerful overhead swing that hits the ground in front of the Knight. Compared to the basic attacks it covers a much longer, but narrower area, and has a fair chance of inflicting Stun. In addition, the knock-back seems even more potent than in the second attack of the basic combo, often throwing smaller enemies completely out of sight. Note that unlike most swords, your movement speed will be slightly reduced while charging.
So, yeah. Hope this helps u.
I have 500 CE haha I had to forgo getting it yesterday because I needed recipes/AH selling.
IGN: CFedora
Tier 2 requires 2* equipment because it is the bare minimum that one can use there and hope to survive, barring ninja-like reflexes. Try just leveling up to 3* should see a huge improvement in survivability. Practice using your shield and going slow until you get a feel for the creatures lurking in the clockworks.