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Worth switching to magic hood series?

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Legacy Username

I recently got into my 3* gear. I am wearing the dusker set (coat has low fire UV). After hearing that elemental damage is very heavy in later tiers as well as piercing is pretty unimportant, I was wondering if I should have gotten the elemental cloak and hat. I use the owlite shield line as well as sword + bombs as weapons.

Legacy Username
Wolver can eventually be

Wolver can eventually be upgraded to Vog Cub, which has elemental defense. Even so, the Ash Tail Set 4*, which still is Normal/Piercing, does fine in Tier 3.

If elemental is giving you trouble now, then try mixing up a set, maybe dusker coat with elemental hood. Otherwise just wait it out.

Legacy Username

Like Culture said, your dusker set can be upgraded into some nice elemental resist gear. I'd stay with your dusker gear and upgrade it into ash tail and keep running T2. (Maybe Jelly Palace, get yourself a sealed sword and antigua...) Once your ash tail gear is level 10 you can roll it into the almighty Vog gear and run FSC. Piercing is still relevant in T3 as well, more so than it used to be.

In the meantime, you might consider a normal/elemental shield for dealing with projectiles and other T2 hazards.

Legacy Username
Thanks for the advice! I do

Thanks for the advice! I do have a horned owlite shield for ele defense in tier 2. I wanted more ele defense as most of my deaths currently happen in the levels with flamethrower enemies (gunpuppies?).

Legacy Username
There's no reason you can't

There's no reason you can't upgrade to Skolver for your pierce set and make the magic set for elemental resist. The magic set covers both fire and shock resist, and in my opinion is a little too good.

Legacy Username
Multiple Sets

You have a point, I guess if I go for skolver I'll just have to farm jelly king until I can afford a second set of armor (magic or maybe vog cub). I think I'll finish my wolver series first, then when I've got better weapons start on my magic set. Ty for the advice :).