Winmillion makes me question existence

Winmillion is a buggy and unfinished weapon. It's quite evident, but it really should be looked at.
Aside from its damage values (which I think are kind of lacking but that's not really a problem), it has a lot of issues. For instance:
- It is slower than the Spur (See:
- Its charge bullet seemed to have been recently modified to have a hitbox appropriate to its size, but it still has weird issues with hit registration.
- The charge bullet has funny knockback.
- The swing on its charge attack has barely any reach.
- Shield cancelling its charge will often despawn the bullet.
- The animation on its charge attack feels really slow. Maybe fixing the other issues will make this not a problem.
- Winmillion's charge bullet spawns slightly behind you or whatever, so like Divine Avenger if you use it with your back to a wall the bullet will despawn.
Most of these issues are already known, but it'd be really nice if they were addressed. A 5* upgrade would also be nice, but fixing these issues would at least make Winmillion regarded as better than just garbage.

EDIT: I cannot brain today I have the dumb ignore this part
It seems that Winmillion's attack speed has been fixed (I thought it was faster when I booted the game up today, and recording and checking frames supports this).
Addition to list of issues:
- Winmillion's charge bullet spawns slightly behind you or whatever, so like Divine Avenger if you use it with your back to a wall the bullet will despawn.
Good points.
It is slower than the Spur (See:
I cannot confirm or refute this.
Its charge bullet seemed to have been recently modified to have a hitbox appropriate to its size, but it still has weird issues with hit registration.
I haven't noticed this in my cursory testing. (I don't use the sword regularly.)
The charge bullet has funny knockback.
Agreed. It's almost as if the knockback direction is randomized. I can't figure out how the knockback direction relates to the projectile direction (the usual in Spiral Knights) or the target's facing direction (as in Magnus-style guns).
The swing on its charge attack has barely any reach.
Agreed. I have two ideas for how this happened. First, on many swords (e.g. Brandishes) there is a step forward on the release of the charge attack, but on Winmillion there is no step forward, so it misses targets that other swords would hit. Second, on many swords their charge attack strokes seem long, even though their regular attacks are short, but maybe the developers forgot (or chose not) to do this on Winmillion.
Shield cancelling its charge will often despawn the bullet.
That is true, and I cannot figure out the pattern of why it sometimes despawns. It seems buggy.
The animation on its charge attack feels really slow. Maybe fixing the other issues will make this not a problem.
There is a large pause in the wind-up, just before the sword swings forward. That's the biggest slowness that I can perceive.