Please critique my gear

Since I'm unable to load into Haven, I thought I would start a dialogue around end-game gearing. I'm very interested in your feedback on what I'm wearing. What might be more optimal, and what item(s) I should consider getting next?
The Armor:
Vog Cub Coat - Fire Low
Vog Cub Cap - Fire Low
Wise Owlite - Piercing Max (got really fortunate with this during crafting - obviously I will upgrade to 5* as soon as I hit the recipe)
Leviathan - Fiends Low
Argent Peacemaker
100T Piercing
It seems like non-fire UVs might be more helpful on my Vog Cub. Shivermist Buster seems like an obvious 4th weapon choice, although several of my friends are already getting these. Divine Avenger also seems like a good weapon choice, although charged attacks from levi pair extremely nicely with my friends using shivermist on the depths before Vanaduke.
I'm currently saving up my tokens for a shadow trinket.

What do you use CrashFu? Could you provide a constructive recommendation? Perhaps something I might consider to branch out with or try next?
My recommendation is to try out whatever looks totally cool to you, regardless of what other people say. I'm annoyed that so many people are afraid to even TRY most of the weapons in the game just because they've been told there are only a handful of weapons actually worth using.
I think a lot of the weapons that people say are terrible can actually be really potent if you know how to use them right. People are either going solely on what they've heard from someone else or just didn't stick with an alternative long enough to really get the hang of it. (Case in point, everyone says that Graviton Bombs are awful, but I've found them to be quite potent when used the right way)
As for what I use, right now I've got a brute jelly helmet, boosted plate (with regular plate for the costume. I've got a blue thing going on here), a Wyvern shield, a Blizzbrand and a Needle shot. Oh, and that 100T piercing resist token. I'm looking to add a bomb to my lineup once I bother to open that third slot again..
As I mentioned, I've got a graviton bomb, though I kind of like using that with the pepperbox instead of the needle shot, and I wouldn't bother using it with my blizzbrand as that'd be absolutely pointless. I think the problem a lot of people have had with the Graviton is that they try to use a sword with it, and that's just absolutely wrong... though, maybe the combuster could compliment it nicely enough (though a CTR might be necessary for that combo to work out right)
Ooh, and I do have a Troika with a nice medium slime damage bonus on it, been meaning to upgrade that. If I did, I would probably use it alongside a nice long-range/heavy-single-target-damage gun like my needle shot, or maybe with a bomb for those "I need my space" moments...
But that's what I've tried, and I make it work for me. For everyone else? I say pick a weapon that looks really awesome and fun to use and then pick accompanying weapons based on setting up combos or covering enemy types or situations the other weapons aren't good for. If that standard issue and token-bought stuff really is that superior, then they'll just wind up nerfing it for balance some day soon, right? Or buffing everything else to make it more desirable? I'm sure the devs hate it that people only like 10% of the weapons they've made for us.

I'm gonna have to disagree, Crash.
The reason why his gear looks like the same as everyone else's is because it pretty much the most effective and optimized set that you can wish for the current content. Wanting to look different is one thing, which is perfectly fine in my book, but sacrificing the most effective playstyle for the sake of pursuing an exotic style/look is just falling for the "when everyone is hipster, no one will be" fallacy. People use volcanic bomber, nameless and vog-venger because it works the best from the collective experience of hundreds of users playing dozens of hours.
Vog's sword speed allows for hit and shield effectively with swords, dual low fire resist UV is the cheapest way to make him immune to fire snakes from vanaduke, the AP is the gun of choice in FSC and his choice for the shivermist in his last slot makes perfect sense, both for his goal and a wide range of contingency situations where he would need to save his group/himself while being mobbed...
The devs might hate it that we currently use only a fraction of the gear they made but IMHO, that should be remedied by adding further end-game content in which alternative sets are superior in the same way vog-venger is currently superior, not by nerfing because people wear the same gear under their costumes (which I should add, already lets you look like anything you want).
To the OP, it looks like you did you homework and went straight to the best setup currently for swords. Also, it sounds like you already know what people would say about your faust and swapping that with a divine avenger so I'll spare you that comment. Once you finish your shield, and get your bomb or not since there only needs to be one in a group, you'll be pretty much set to farm currency until whenever the devs can bring out new content or maybe just expensive costumes if that's the sort of thing that tickles your fancy =P
The only nitpick I could give you is that you'd ideally want a CTR UV on your levy blade; but that's my playstyle and you might be using it differently than I am.
id rather judge ur skill ingame using ur gear, might as well mix random items from the wiki and say yea thats good not ever having tryed that exact combination nor any other for comparison
but i agree, pretty much standard..thats what makes the recipes so valuable (=

I'd personally prefer a normal def UV on the Grey Owl, although whether it makes that much of a difference is debatable. Unless the ability to achieve status immunity was reinstated, then you're probably better off getting shock resist UVs on your armor pieces. If you're worried about piercing I would suggest a second set, or just a secondary shield like the new Thorn shield. The piercing sources that exist are mostly melee and thus usually pretty avoidable, unlike elemental damage which is often ranged. Hence, even outside of FSC Vog gear is very good, and why so many people run with it. I recommend a Shivermist for crowd control and a status alchemer like the Storm Driver for your non-FSC gun needs. The Argent is ok, but it suffers from mediocre DPS on constructs, which are most often the things you want to gun. Oh, and consider getting a Divine Avenger. The charge attack is fantastic, and will save you plenty of times. Lastly, you might consider swapping out Faust for the Nightblade line. I've found the heavy swords to be a bit too slow for dealing with Gremlins, but that is up to your style.

There's some really great feedback in here - Thanks all!
Fiends have been particularly difficult for me. I was thinking about picking up a piercing weapon to help with this, but I'm not entirely sure how much of a difference that would make - my shield gets trashed so quickly against a group of fiends. What would you recommend that I get next given what I already have?
Many thanks!

You mean the devilites, yes?
I used to hate them too in large groups with a few charging kats in there but they get completely locked down by a couple well-placed shivermist busters and since they can't turn or dodge while frozen, you're safe to pick them off one by one. Ideally, you wouldn't even need to shield.
I've also made a final flourish just for those mobs which give me the most trouble, but honestly I can't take out anything from my current load-out to put it in because what I have works in pretty much every situation I've ran into (maybe short of a t3 quicksilver danger room, but that's my lack of skill, not gear). I would say, don't get more gear at this point, just buy CE while it's still cheap.
Honestly it just sounds like you're using the EXACT same things that everyone else I've ever seen in the entire game is using. :I I mean I guess you're using Faust instead of Avenger but uh.. *shrug* Congratulations, your build is just as good as everyone else's?