Useless sword

Didn't you think that Amputator with focused vs slimes should do more damage to slimes then Acheron??? Why even Combuster which even have no shadow element do more damage then specialized anti-slime sword !?!? And this applies to almost all highly specialized swords - they are useless !!! Amputator, Cold Iron Vanquisher, Wild Hunting Blade - right now there is no sens in using them!
P.S. i was new in this game and when i was making decision about which sword should i upgrade I expected that a sword with a mark of damage against slimes should justify itself and be vs slimes. now i have 4* amputator and i understand how much time i lose on grading this LOSER-SWORD.
Ty fore grate balance spiral knights game makers.

Yeah, you are right. But, sadly, on this game, complaining don't change things much. You can even make a suggestion on suggestions subforum, but how devs likes taking things on their way, don't expect to it be solved soon or in a way you will like. Just accept that some weapons and armors have less use and have fun. Complaining will make you just lose patience and time.
I highly recommend that you graveyard this thread since it won't have any use for you.

I think that some players wanted a normal Brandish. And Amputator fills that supposed niche. But your objections stand.
Most pointless weapons are artifacts from a by-gone era. They had a purpose, and then rule changes rendered them pointless. But Amputator is a more recent weapon with little point.

Think about it. The slime high is irrelevant with our dmg max buffs. It is there to weaken the weapon intentionally so that the elemental and shadow brandishes are superior vs specific monster types, but less versatile than the all-purpose sword.
If amputator had no extra effect and was pure damage like acheron, it would be MUCH BETTER than elemental brandishes. Plus, it would work on shadow creatures too making it better than acheron. All normal weapons are supposed to give up damage in exchange for ability to hit everything. I understand your point that the theme of amp is "slime killer", but it would be better than specialty brands if it was pure damage. That's not it's role as an all purpose sword.
If Amputator had no extra effect, its damage would probably be the same as the Leviathan Blade's (currently Amputator's damage is equal to the Cold Iron Vanquisher), and it would still be much worse than the other Brandishes and still the most irrelevant 5-star sword in the game. It would have the same mediocre damage of the Levi on its regular attacks, and unlike the Levi it doesn't even have a fairly unique charge attack to do the big damage to stationary and heavy enemies. It has the same charge attack as other Brandishes, except other Brandishes have better damage and status effects on their charges.
The Amputator, with or without the slime bonus, is irrelevant as a slime killer, irrelevant as a Brandish, and almost irrelevant as an all-purpose sword (if you need a normal sword for some reason and prefer Brandish charge over Levi charge, that is the one niche I can think of for the Amp). Even if GH finally fixed the damage calculation for split damage swords so that they weren't so superior to pure normal swords, normal swords would still be suboptimal due to the fact that you can carry multiple damage types and get super-effective damage against more enemies. The Amputator is an outclassed and almost totally irrelevant sword, it needs a buff and/or other swords need nerfs.
And ANOTHER thing, normal weapons are not "supposed" to give up damage. It's just a sword thing due to swords having split normal/other damage types, and something is funky with how split damage is calculated. If you compare normal guns and bombs to equivalent special damage guns and bombs, normal weapons deal the same damage as other weapons against neutral enemies. Iron Slug is on par with Callahan, Valiance is on par with its sidegrades, Volcanic Pepperbox = Plague Needle, Deadly Shard Bomb = Deadly Crystal Bomb, Nitronome = Dark Briar Barrage, and so on. Supernova actually deals *more* base damage than its counterparts due to the lack of a status effect.
With that said, it would be nice if GH did finally fix the damage calculation for split damage swords so that they weren't so superior to pure normal swords. Even then the Amp would still be outclassed since the damage bonus is worthless, so I think making the Amp inflict sleep on the charge would be a good change for it. It would make the Amp fairly unique and give it a niche, and it would explain the Zee Cores in the recipe. It also fits the Amp's medical/surgical theme because of anesthesia. I'm 90% certain GH just needed more uses for Zee Cores, so they just arbitrarily threw Zee Cores into the Amp's recipe.

Metayya, glad we are on the same page on some issues.
But, comparing this sword to a leviathan blade isn't correct because their charges aren't the same and that's the main method of using the brandish.
But, to your point about giving up damage.
My point is exactly that: A nonstatus normal brandish that UNIVERSALLY hits everything the way an acheron hits constructs and beasts would be pretty good, too good in fact. Just like the supernova, a non status normal brandish's increased up front damage would outclass status brandishes.
Everyone would just roll with that one weapon.
I think that's why they needed to put the nigh useless slime tag on it to curb its damage, and not polarize the game by people all picking one weapon.
As far as the idea of Amp inflicting sleep? Hmm its a cool idea. but seems bit op. Too much control of mobs.
I compare the Amp to the Levi because the Amp (a pure normal sword with an average 3-hit combo and a High damage bonus against a monster family) has near identical stats to the Cold Iron Vanquisher (a pure normal sword with an average 3-hit combo and a High damage bonus against a monster family). They have the same damage on their standard attacks, and the swing of the Amp's charge deals the same damage as the CIV's charge. They almost perfectly parallel each other, so if the Amp's damage bonus were to be removed, it seems most likely to me that the Amp's base damage would be identical to the Levi's, and not the Acheron (a split damage sword, with a different damage type, and something I consider to be an outlier in terms of balance not worth using as a baseline). I definitely agree that a normal sword with Acheron's damage wouldn't be a very good idea. Anything with Acheron's damage isn't a good idea. Acheron with Acheron's damage isn't a good idea.
But all of that is neither here nor there. I never said I wanted the slime damage bonus to be removed.
I was refuting the idea that the Amp would be as powerful as Acheron if it didn't have the damage bonus (it would be as powerful as the Levi, which is still bad), saying that the Amputator in its current state is underpowered and nearly totally irrelevant, and refuting the idea that normal weapons are supposed to give up damage (split-damage weapons like the other Brandishes are disproportionately strong, in nearly any other case normal weapons have similar base damage to similar weapons with different damage types, and even then pure non-normal weapons are still generally considered superior because you can carry more than one).
Correct me if i am not right! but this is my opinion