Fang of Vog? Worth it?
Yes it is. My FoV is heat 10 with UV Ctr med, while I am using a trinket to make it CTR MAX!
I can one hit most if not all things with my Fang of Vog in FSC. Do I get burned? Yes, occasionally. Does it bother me? No.
Get a FoV people... It's worth it.

How long did it took you to solo a sparkless FSC run (elite) with it?
I wanted to upgrade my FoV heat 10 at Punch. I paid 20k got asi low, paid 20k got asi gremlin, then paid 20k and got... asi very high!
Go punch for unique variants people... It's worth it.

You got ASI+4 on your third try? That is very lucky. Congratulations.
A common estimate for the chances of +4 UVs is around 1/16. And there are 8 types of UVs on swords, probably each equally probable. So the chances of getting ASI+4 are around 1/128. So you expect to get it around your 128th try.
Yup only 3 tries and thanks guess I got lucky but I would still advise people to pay him a visit once in a while.
And I just went to slay the Vanaduke with it. Much like how the Leviathan Blade is not as popular as the Amputator, pros might consider it a poor man's Combuster. But they get the job done and that's what counts, right?
Fun fact: words "Gremlin" and "Medium" take up exactly the same amount of space.

It actually has a slightly higher range than the brandish line on melee swings.
It has the ability to inflict fire on melee swings too which is amusing.
I like it. I would have loved it to be in the cutter style, like it was originally. But still I'm glad you are using more variety in weapons.
Today I gave FoV a try and it was rather interesting. Though I only used normal attacks because I often found myself short on health.
Compared to the most similar sword I use, Obsidian Edge, the Fang of Vog's attacks are slower, but their hitbox is moved "more forward". I knew about the slow speed when I selected it and overall it isn't very interesting stat to talk about. It took me a while to get used to it, though. However the moved hitbox was a surprise to me and I had to change my fighting style quite a bit. If I fought like with Obsidian Edge, I would often miss and possibly also get hit as a bonus.
The thing is that many swords' combo is difficult to land whole on a single enemy. Latter swings' hitboxes can be described as applying too early, i.e. doing damage before moving forward, hitting area already cleaned by first swing's knockback. The easiest workaround is to press enemies against a wall. Or you can walk up to a monster as close as possible and then start the combo. You can get a bit better results by not aiming the first hit directly at the enemy, but rather, for example, 45° off. By aiming slightly off you can also do circles around mostly static enemies such as turrets or Lumbers while still landing all the attacks.
Fang of Vog throws most of this out of the window and instead works "properly". First move, then damage, probably as any new player would expect. Enemies are comboed easily. Even if your first swing barely hits the monster, the second and third swing will have no trouble connecting. But, again, most of the techniques I described above doesn't work or at least not as well. You miss the enemies right next to you (which would other swords hit) and hit only a large area in front of you (which would other swords mostly miss). That's why I simply couldn't fight with FoV like with other similar swords. You have to focus on the area in front of you.
Funny note: Thanks to this behaviour, FoV against turrets is somewhat comparable to Flourish. You need to make sure your target stays in front of you after the lunge to hit it, and thus you need to aim much more precisely with disabled auto-target. (This cost me few hits, too.)
Anyway, levels took me longer to finish, if I actually finished them and didn't die along the way. Of course, that's expected from weapons which I don't know how to use well. Still, I like the fighting style of the Rocket Hammer much more and also can use it quite well, so I don't see myself using FoV often.
One last thing. I remember a thread about ASI moving sword swings' hitboxes more towards the starting point (of the lunge) the higher it was, making comboing more difficult. I wonder if FoV's slower speed has something to do with it. There's also this bug in the tooltip that says it's as fast as Calibur swords.

I don't think it's ever taken me more than one attempt to get ASI very high before. I'm sorry for your poor luck. I guess punch just knows how I don't mess around.
Field of View though is a great weapon. I always use it over combuster, because it lights things on fire with the normal hits.
Well... I wasnt actually trying tho
Last time I put in some effort rolling i rolled over a ctr high to get ctr very high in 1 roll.
And yeah i sold my combuster, no point having 2 flame swords

Yea I had 3-4 combusters with asi/ctr vh but I vendored them for crowns so I could roll asi vh onto my fang of vogs.
Just giving you guys an update
I rolled CTR High on my fang of vog heat 10 in just a couple rolls adding up to CTR Ultra, I could add a trinket to make it CTR MAX but IDK
Yep, charging Fang of Vog is fun. In case you haven't seen it, here's another recent Arsenal thread on the subject: