Best weapon to fend off suggestions in arsenal? Combuster VS Acheron
Sun, 10/06/2019 - 03:42

Combuster's fiery rhetoric is great and all but acheron does more damage or whatever and OH DEAR LORD ITS THE SAME AS GRAND FAOUST BROKEN OP OP OP
But seriously though, they somehow read this less than the suggestions forum just put your garbage there so that Bopp can rest in peace
Sun, 10/06/2019 - 19:59

I suppose that one would depend on what you were fighting. Kats, undead that resist fire, as well as fire areas in general, give Ash of Agni + Acheron trouble. But ash of agni has nicer crowd control. /shrug
Ash of Agni + Acheron
Combuster + Umbra Driver?