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Bombers found to have low self esteem

6 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

They keep talking about how everyone hates them but all the bombers and bombs I know are great and I love them. Even all the 5 Ashes of Agnises are amazing. They talk about how they have the old handed down dark briar but really dark briar is good even if it's old and they have all the cool stuff like vortexes and status effects that are functional. They go out of their way to make these threads but secretly it isn't Grey Havens that hates them, it's themselves.

Portrait de Prof-Delta

thank you

Portrait de Bidoknight

No, and now you're denying our right to feel left out because of having bad weapons and Armor . And our biggest drawbacks are: nothing other than our terrible effectiveness at standard type floors where you run into small groups of spread out enemies and the delayed time with which we start fights and that the only good way is as support for most places and that we have no elemental damage bomb and no shadow defence armor and how **@@ty it is early game without the extremely important ctr.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Woah now, generally what happens is that I refute your points and then you come back at me and no one cares but I'm not about that life.

So lets talk about something real. You seem to feel... oppressed as a bomber? But no one is forcing you to be a bomber? Perhaps you chose to be a bomber so that you can feel oppressed? In which case you would want the bombs to be a poor choice, and are threatened by the idea that it's really swords that are weakest, since they have a hard time with anything but casual encounters early-mid game?

Portrait de Bidoknight
Now that's just rude. Saying that I want to be oppressed.

i didn't choose to be a bomber because I wanted to feel oppressed, and that's also not why most people who originally choose to be one choose it either, because they just don't know.

I chose to be a bomber because I felt like that would be fun, and it is. When it doesn't suck. I bomb for fun, my only issue is that they just really suck at some parts of the game. And I don't know what you're talking about, some swords are the best weapons in the game.

I'm not saying bomber is unplayable. Just that being a gunner or striker is better, for the above-mentioned reasons. And that if you try to play with others, your attacks can often come after the enemies are dead because of the delay, which is very much not fun. Which is why I mostly only bomb in Jk, Vana, arenas, and such.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Perhaps you weren't intended to use nothing but bombs at all times, just as you weren't intended to use all swords or guns either.

Perhaps bombs are fun because of how backwards they feel trying to make them work, that they aren't straightforward. Otherwise you wouldn't use them.

Perhaps it was the loss of your mother at a young age that instilled a fear of the father into you, causing the need for oppression.

Portrait de Thats-Rough-Buddy
Self hatred is common among

Self hatred is common among social rejects. Ya hate to see it.