Fang of Vog - An untapped gold mine

The Fang of Vog is one of the more exotic weapons to be found in Spiral Knights and unfortunately I've seen few player wielding in the clockworks. When I was a new player, my one of my ultimate goals was to somehow someday obtain that elusive weapon, and recently (2 days ago to be exact) I finally reached my goal... but i was disappointed, in a good way. In this post I will be discussing things that could improve the FOV (Fang of Vog) and make it more popular. Well actually its really just one thing. The weapon itself shares the same skin as a cutter blade while it plays as a sword from the calibur family. Im' proposing making the FOV play like a cutter; with normal hit doing 2 weaker hits while keeping the calibur like charge attack. This one simple detail would make the FOV instantaneously better and it does less damage (Elemental and Normal) than the combuster (one the most most popular weapons in the game). Blades like the Dread Venom Striker have the chance to inflict status conditions on normal hits so the fact that the FOV can cause fires on normal hits would not be an issue... Maybe I'm being selfish. Maybe the Devs could possibly make a change to the FOV (its highly unlikely though).Let me know your thoughts!

Fang of Vog has always seemed like a prestige weapon --- a signifier of your accomplishment in the game, rather than an item that you'd really want to use every day.
The regular attacks are under-powered, although the fire is nice. The charge attack is pretty epic, so I usually recommend it for that only.
I would support changing the regular attacks to a Cutter style, *if* their damage were also decreased quite a bit. I mean: The charge attack, fire, and split normal+elemental damage are already big advantages for this sword, so it needs some penalty to keep it from being over-powered.

I would be totally fine with the sword getting a debuff as long as it meant getting a play style change; heck even if they got rid of the split damage that would be fine too (but I think the split damage makes it more prestigious)

Bopp, I disagree severely. Fang of Vog may look underwhelming when you don't consider that it does MORE DAMAGE than brandishes because it does STRONG FIRE and BURNS EVERYTHING. These STRONG HITS make it the BEST weapon in the game.
I use FANG OF VOG on EVERY run because it is the BEST weapon in the game.
Can combuster one shot trojans? No
Can FoV one shot trojans?
Nuff said, FoV > Acheron

Okay, but trojans are one of the easier monster types, so that argument is not very powerful to me.
Lets be honest- fang of vog is the best weapon in the game and buffing it would literally light the servers on fire, and we don't want that.