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New Handguns

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Good, let's talk about SK weapons that didn't come out yet, which is the diskgun, they are 2, a static diskgun and fierly diskgun call and they are reskin of mixmaster and Orbitgun.

Are you going to take them out or something please, I'm stressing to have one of those, even if they put clues or something: __ (I don't want them to remain in the archives and go into oblivion, think also developers in the community, those who They are pioneers / veterans we deserve something, but that those weapons are not with payment method (boxes), they should be free in the sense that it has accessibility for everyone, I hope they read this and greetings.Please PEOPLE, DO A LOT OF SPAM WITH THIS FOR THAT IT REACHES THE EARS OF THE GAME MASTER

Buenas, hablemos sobre armas de SK que no salieron aun, que es la diskgun, son 2, una llamada static diskgun y fierly diskgun y son reskin de mixmaster y Orbitgun.

Las van a sacar o algo por favor, me estoy estresando por tener una de esas, aunque sea pongan pistas o algo :__(.No quiero que queden en los archivos y pasa al olvido, piensen tambien ustedes desarrolladores en la comunidad, los que son pioneros/ veteranos merecemos algo, pero que esas armas no sean con metodo de pago(cajas), deberian ser gratis en sentido de que tenga accesibilidad para todos, ojala que lean esto y saludos.POR FAVOR GENTE, HAGAN MUCHO SPAM CON ESTO PARA QUE LLEGUE A LOS OIDOS DE LOS GAME MASTER