Mobile port?
Fr, 02/21/2020 - 16:45
i would like to suggest a mobile port since i believe modern phones may be able to run the game smoothly. i used to play back in 2012 and have returned to the game and found that its not as populated as it used to be. i believe a mobile port of the game may bring in more players and would also allow those of us who cant always have access to our computer a place to play the game if not at home or near a desktop or laptop.
1. Porting this would be insanely difficult because of how old and unorganized the code is. They'd have to rewrite so much of the game engine.
2. I highly doubt you'd be able to get much FPS in a game as un-optimized as Spiral Knights on mobile.
3. The controls are gonna be awful, especially on such as small screen.
IMO: If you want a mobile port, all I would want is an Auction House/Supply Depot app so we can buy stuff when unable to access our computer.