Good Weapon Combos?

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Hi all,

My friend and I got back into SK recently and we've been having some fun trying to speed run dungeons. I was wondering if we could get suggestions on what weapons work well together, which could make our playstyle even more effective and fun (example: vortex bombs plus Voltedge?) Right now we're sort of just doing our own thing, so I thought it would be fun to use combinations of weapons that complement each other.

He's a Vanguard and I'm a Defender Elite so access to equipment shouldn't be a huge issue.
I'd really appreciate suggestions on good weapon combos that could amp up our play!



Also, once I get to Vanguard and get a bit more equipment, we plan on doing the Shadow Lairs, so different combos that work well there would be great!

Niece's picture
Orangeo's picture
The only way to get sleep

The only way to get sleep resistance without a stun weakness is to use the royal jelly set, so a stagger storm makes for a good backup if you're using torpor tantrum in lockdown. You can't get sleep UVs anymore I think, and the quilted sets all come with a stun weakness that can't be overturned through UVs alone. Stun and shock are a more effective combo if people aren't resisting you though.

Anything that combo well with grav bombs is great. Shiv pairs with them quite terribly, so don't be too tempted by the promise of freezing all your enemies in place.

Shadow Lairs = Tier 4

Shadow lairs are different in that monsters relatively have much higher defense compared to tier 3. This makes it so that you really need to use high damage weapons if you want to kill them fast. Some tips to determine which weapons might be more useful than others in Shadow Lairs:

1. Use specialized damage. Normal defense (e.g. shadow defense for constructs) is twice as strong as weak defense (elemental defense for constructs).
2. Use attacks that have high base damage hits. Net damage is calculated by subtracting monster defense from base damage. In tier 3 this is fairly well balanced. In tier 4, monster defense gets relatively stronger, which favors high base damage hits. E.g. if base damage 1 is 500 and defense is 100, then net damage will be 400. Another weapon has base damage 300, so its net damage will be 200. If defense is now increased to 150, the net damage changes from 400 to 350 and 200 to 150.

Some examples:
- Acheron might be fine to kill constructs in Tier 3, but in Shadow Lairs (T4) it will be much better to use an elemental weapon.
- Blitz Needle both regular shots and charge shots are very powerful in tier 3. In tier 4, the regular shots' base damage is too low compared to monster defense.
- Volcanic Pepperbox in tier 3 is strong, but in tier 4 the monster's normal defense will be too high and counter this multi-hit weapon too much.
- Iron Slug has the downside of being normal damage which means it'll meet a lot of defense against any monster in Tier 4. That said, it is a charge based weapon with high base hits that are able to match the high monster defense. Because of this it is still going to deal great damage in Shadow lairs.
- Brandish charges have 1 big swing hit (high base damage) but the charge wave consists of smaller hits. In tier 4, those hits will significantly weakened by high monster defense. If you are spamming brandish charges from a distance (meaning your charge swing doesn't connect), then your DPS will be low.
- The base hit of your attack also increases with damage bonus. This means the effects on net damage will be amplified in tier 4. Use max dmg bonus!!!
- Charge attacks have higher base damage than regular attacks, and since high base damage is the key to high net damage output in tier 4, weapons with strong charge attacks are more likely to be useful.

Some good damage weapons in Shadow Lairs: Warmaster rocket hammer, winter grave, iron slug, grim repeater, blitz needle, fang of vog, acheron, etc.