"Sorry, Thanks And Bye To Spiral Knights ---------------- Giveaways For Alls: (1050000 Energy And Nice Value Items) " :)

511 replies [Last post]
Panlla's picture

"Its Time To Said Goodbye, but i think goodbyes are sad and i'd much rather say hello. Hello to a new, happy and conscious adventure, since we never die, because we are eternal beings. :)"

Hi Alls!!

Reading this first part of the page can be boring, disappointing for some, and you are not forced to read it, so if you are only here for the Giveaways, jump further down the page, to know everything about the Giveaways.

"People do things that aren't great sometimes, but I've learned the lesson, and I just want to keep going, if you are bitter with me or not, its fine, i understand, since no one it is perfect, although that is the goal in life. :)"

ethics and morals:
There is something I have to say, and that is that I have played before with some alts accounts to trade, and others more, when the forums had operating problems, Although I never used all accounts, anyway all accounts are deleted, only Panlla remains, I did that because my main account is one step away from being banned permanently by a lot of spam long years ago, so I used alts accounts: iori-Namikaze,Yzany,Zakome,Deiren,Zahev, Dhiko,Ekovsky,Dhyf,Zeusstt,Nyattsu,Nyatsu,Rzaz,Kirase,Tehy,Felyz,Kymod,Jawko,Krumm-Heller,Tesla-Ford-Flamel, maybe someone remembers them, idk, all those accounts are already totally deleted, the point is that some of those accounts I use to do bad business like spambot, scam, buy cheap or very cheap in some cases and sell them expensive, i just scam a few times and got high value items for a very cheap price, and I resold it very expensive, although it was only like 6 or 7 times more or less, although that was a long time ago, well in the end I managed to locate those players and pay them the real price for their item, or I returned the item or the money that it corresponded to them in a fair way, and adding a few more things to solve at least something in all this bad situation that I cause. ! Well I say all this to leave with a clear and calm conscience, that is my main objective more than anything! And all those problems are already solved and well paid (I have paid around 1 million ce or maybe more, in items, Triple Max Gear and energy to solve all this, and I feel good about it), so all that is a thing of the past, and I just have to keep going, and if someone wants to report to me, they can, and maybe I deserve it, although in sk there is always that attitude of buying cheap and selling expensive, in my opinion it is not a good thing, well anyway I am leaving, and I just want to leave a gift and leave in peace.

I once got an item that I wanted quite a bit for myself, which took me several months to find and get, and a lot of effort, is the Thunderous Plate Mail, I got it for 150ke around, and then decided for fun to put it on ah only bids, not with the intention to sell it or raise the price of the item a lot, just for fun i think, and see what happened, in the end in my house the internet failed the day that Mail auction ended, so I had to go quickly to another place , and connect there with my alt, and try to win the item, that was not easy, well in the end I won it, but I almost lost it, I think that this happened because I wanted to be funny, it was a somewhat funny but risky anecdote for my, Well in the end that Thunderous Plate Mail I gave it for free to a boy who really wanted to get it too and he was looking for it for many years, Good for him and for all those who have received a gift from me before this day. :)

some help i given in the game:
- i already helped 71 guilds with 100kcr for each guild, a total of 7,100,000 crowns.
- I gave to Legobuild 50ke to raffle it on their live stream, although that was a while back, And recently I've given him 2,000,000 crowns, so he can raffle it on his live stream.
- and some help, items, crowns, energy, delivered in a random way within the game to the sk community.

I prefer to be careful with the law of karma, and try to do things well, otherwise Karma will charge you very hard someday.
Some who win a prize are likely to resell it, I would like them to use it, but that's fine, I leave the judgment in your hands.
All this energy from the raffle is not the product of a scam, all this energy is from selling all my things, and I am giving everything I have to the sk community.

It is likely that some will be bitter against me, or that my name will be rejected, for all this, to be honest, I only care about feeling good with my conscience, reputation is only an external appearance, but what really matters is conscience. that is inside, anyway it is very likely that all this will be forgotten after a few days, who knows, at least try to do my best and to tell the truth, I feel at peace and with joy :), that's all.

Those mistakes were made a long time ago, and in recent times I have only dedicated myself to helping others as much as possible.
If reading all this makes you feel uncomfortable and you want to withdraw, or not participate in the raffle, or report me, that's fine, that's understandable, but Dnot Worried Be Happy :)

Another of the great reasons I am leaving is that I prefer to focus on other more important things in real life, I have been focused on this for a long time, I have turned 31 years old, and I do not want to feel bad after not having used my time more wisely, although everything in life is only experiences, be they good or bad, and thanks to them we are what we are in the present.
not everything in life is games, and instead of using the internet in games, it would be better to use it in more useful things, and to help me and others, that is the key if you want everything in life to go well for you and all your wishes are fulfilled :)



It's finished. Thanks!!, Thanks in advance for your patience.

It is likely that some think that I am a fool or something worse, to say and do all this, and that it would be better to stay quiet and sell all that energy for things that only benefit me, whether in the game or in real life, It is true, I can do that, but I prefer to help and give away everything I have, and I feel much better with it, also money is easy to get, you just have to have Faith, Happy and Consciousness :)

I want to clarify that my first language is not English, so if you see something wrong here, I apologize, I try to do my best, and if there is someone who wants to help with any ideas for this raffle, you are welcome.
Also, at the beginning I was thinking of transmitting the raffle via streaming, but my computer is somewhat old and could not bear all that process, and it would be a bad transmission, and it would not work, so I prefer to do the raffle without streaming, but if there is someone who wants to transmit this, or have any idea about that, is welcome.


I want to make 3 Giveaways for the entire sk community, which will include:
- 100 items SK(Costumes Sets, Accesories, Gear, Mirrored Lockbox, Usables, Pods) some of these items are worth 10kcr, others 100kcr, others 5ke, others 50ke, others 100ke to more. - it's finished. Thanks!!
- 20 items of Steam - everyone can participate - it's finished. Thanks!!
- 1050000 Energy - (the prize will be 4k energy, I have decided to help and give almost all participant a prize, and that is why I lowered the energy prize a little to 4ke for each winner, so all or almost all will win something, or others will win items sk , I know it is not much, but at least it is something, so as not to leave empty handed). - it's finished. Thanks!!

How To Enter:
Everyone who is interested in participating in the Giveaway, put your IGN in the comments below, and if you have steam, also add it there, for the steam item raffle, but if you don't want to put your steam account, that's fine, only you won't be able to participate in the steam raffle, but you can participate in the other raffles.
and after a previous evaluation, I will assign them a number and put them on the raffle list

- use a single account for this raffle.
- before the player enters the raffle list, it is very likely that I will ask that player, to meet him in haven to see if he deserves to enter the raffle
- Those who won the energy raffle will not be able to participate in the sk items raffle.
- everyone can participate in the raffle of steam items
- not everyone will be eligible to receive the prizes or enter to raffle list, So if you don't see your name on the list, please don't make a fuss, anyway these are just material things, the most important thing is to have fun, even if you win or don't win, take it peaceful and happy.
- If you can't be online on the day of the raffle, don't worry, if you win a prize, you will receive it in your email.
- the steam raffle is for everyone, regardless of whether or not you have already won in the other raffles, with respect to the other raffles, sk items and energy, there you can only participate in one of them, not both, and you can't choose either.
- Since this is all free, I just ask you to be patient, have fun, and respect the rules. Thanks :)

The method that will be used to make the raffle will be that each name will have a number, and those numbers will be put in a random number generator, and according to the number that comes out, he will win his prize.
There will be 387 winners, I have done everything possible to reach the largest number possible of winners, so I ask that you do not use alts, so there are more prizes for more players.
if you see your name in the list, it means that you have been accepted for the raffle, and if you don't see it, it means that you have not been accepted, sorry.

not everyone will be eligible to receive the prizes or enter to raffle, as it is very likely that some players use alts accounts, and try to win more prizes, so please I ask all players to only try to use one account, so there is more prizes for everyone.
If I find out that there is someone who may be using 2 or more accounts for the raffle, I will ask that player to interview me face to face in haven, to see if he really deserves to enter the raffle or not, and if I see that player He is an apprentice or low-ranking, it is very likely that he is an alt maybe, and although he is vanguard, I will also think it well, but if he does not enter the raffle, Maybe I will give him something at that time, but I do not promise anything.

I hope this does not bother or inconvenience any player, all I want is for each player to win 1 prize, and that there are more prizes for everyone. I take these measures since the raffle prizes are worth some 5ke around, and others 50ke around, and others much more, so I think that this measure is something fair, and if someone does not like these rules, he is free to leave and not enter the raffle, and if no one enters the raffle, well I guess Grey Haven will take it all.

I hope this raffle is great for everyone, I know that this raffle may take some time to do, but I think it is worth it, and I apologize if some things go wrong, or my english is bad, I try to do my best, regarding the generator of numbers, it is not a program modified by me, to benefit someone, none of that, I only use the Google number generator, and if any repeated number comes out that has already won its prize, I press the generator again, and that is everything.

If anyone wants to contact me, feel free.

Discord name: Panlla#2028
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046143961/
IGN: Panlla


Thanks to Sargosm for his donation to raffle: lovely sallet,shadowtech pink sensor unit,shadow culet,vile culet,prismatic plumed cap


When all this is finished, it is very likely that I completely delete this account from Panlla, so if after deleting my account, they see someone who is called like me, it is not me, and it is very likely that it will not be possible to create an account with my name since I am one step away from being permanently banned and my name will not be used later i think

Consciousness, Peace And Happy :).

"Man, Know Yourself, And You Will Know The Universe And The Gods"

Panlla's picture

I apologize if here you have not found great items like mixmaster or triple max gear or something similar to that, I had those things but I used them to pay debts, and if I had it now, I would put them in the raffle, but at least these things are fun.
And this will be the order in which they will be raffled, and it will only be one item per player, By the way, if there is someone who is disappointed with the item list, he is free to withdraw from the raffle. Thanks :)

Items Sk:
1 Deadly Candy Poker with undead vh
2 Squall Caller
3 Turbillion ctr vh
4 Brandish ctr high
5 Brandish asi med and ctr med
6 Nog Blaster with fiend vh
7 Grim Buster ctr vh
8 Chilling Duelist
9 Electron vortex ctr med - i got it from Manlet for unbind cost, when he leave from sk, now i give it to sk comunity.
10 Humbug Hazer
11 Static Flash
12 Proto Bomb
13 Cyclops Cap with freeze medium and Vitasuit with fire mediun
14 The Bitter End
15 Raider Buckler
16 Force Buckler with stun maximum
17 Green Ward
18 Amethyst Stranger Cap
19 Cool Wolver Mask
20 Galactic Guardian Helm
21 Glaciasl Snooze Night Cap
22 Gremlin Disguise
23 Tawny Fur Set ( Cap and Coat )
24 Tawny Hood and Cloak
25 Tawny Winged Helm and Tawny Raiment
26 Tech Blue Boater
27 Feral Kat Suit
28 Late Harvest hood and Cloak
29 Ruby Stranger Set ( Cap and robe )
30 Savage Kat Suit
31 Tacky Winter Pullover
32 Tech Green Splash Trunks
33 228 Golden Slime Coin
34 Toasty Onesie
35 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
36 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
37 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
38 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
39 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
40 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
41 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
42 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
43 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
44 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
45 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
46 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
47 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
48 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
49 Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
50 Shining Forge Prize Box
51 Drakon Pod ( Piggy )
52 Drakon Pod ( Piggy )
53 Maskeraith Pod ( Freeze )
54 Seraphynx Pod ( Black Kat ) and Maskeraith Pod ( Punkin )
55 Seraphynx Pod ( Love Puppy )
56 Seraphynx Pod ( Siamese )
57 Divine Barrel Belly
58 Divine Scholarly Tam
59 Divine Valkyrie Wings
60 lovely sallet, shadowtech pink sensor unit, shadow culet, vile culet, prismatic plumed cap
61 Prismatic Bolted Vee x80
62 Prismatic Grand Topper
63 Prismatic Seraph Wings
64 Razorback Pack
65 Shadow Exhaust Pipes
66 Tails Tails
67 Wheat Snipe Perch
68 Shadow Key and Trinket Penta Heart Pendant

- Costumes Sets: https://imgur.com/a/LUBFr9Z - on this page you will find all the images of the costumes sets with their number, and all the costumes sets, gears, are unbind, these are only a preview, so you can see how they look.
69 Black kat Cowl and Vitasuit Deluxe with Uvs and Prismatic Valkyrie and Cat Tail, and Volcanic whisker
70 Chaos Cowl and Chaos Cloak with Dusky Valkyrie Wings, Wolver Tail, Vents and Glasses
71 Chaos Cowl and Chaos Cloak with Prismatic Valkyrie, Wolver Tail, Halo and Vents
72 Divine Veil Set with Prismatic Wings Gen1, Mecha wings and Twinkle aura
73 Ice Queen Crown with Polar Night Warden Coat with Polar Wings,Round Shades,Scarf, and Crown Winter
74 Skolver Cap and Skolver Coat with uv Maximum and Divine Wings Gen1
75 Skolver Cap and Skolver Coat with Skolver Slippers, Divine Valkyrie,Wolver Tail,Halo,Mewkat Monster Pocket
76 Snarbolax Cap and Snarbolax Coat with Snarbolax Slippers, Shadow Dragon wings,Crest Winter,Crown Winter
77 Valkyrie Helm and Valkyrie Mail with Tails-Tails, Divine Valkyrie, snowfall aura,Crest Winter,Crown Winter
78 Vog Cub Cap and Vog Cub Coat with Flame aura, Volcanic Halo,Valkyrie,Wolver Tail,Tome Of Rage
79 Kate Eye Mask and Wild Kat Suit with Divine Dragon Wings, Snowfall Aura,Crest Winter
80 Rock Jelly Helm and Fancy Pullover with Scarf, Prismatic Toupe, Fancy Tome Of Rage
81 Jelly Helm with Lovely Vertical Vents and Toupe
82 Jelly Helm with Lovely Scarf and Lovely Bent Vertical Vents
83 Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with uv Maximum and Wild Bone Pendant
84 Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with Dazed Cat Tail and Devious Horns
85 Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with Sunshine Aura,Crest Summer, Prismatic Tennas
86 Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with Tawny Vents,Doggie Tail,Wild Bone Pendant, Wolver Slippers
87 Fractured Mask Of Seerus and Heavenly Iron Armor with Heavy Vents and Volcanic wings Gen1
88 Vitasuit Deluxe and Polar Day Wolf Hood with Divine Valkyrie,Mewkat Monster Pocket,Love aura,Divine Cat Tail
89 Arctic Acolyte Hood and Arctic Acolyte Mantle with Arctic(Shackles,Disciple Wings,Crown), Glacial Gear Halo
90 Autumn Pompom Snow Hat and Wooly Pullover
91 Blazing Tailed Helm and Blazing Scale Mail
92 Celestial Nav Helm and Galactic Guardian Vest with Solar Plasma Wings,Sun Crest,Orbit aura,Crown Summer,Glacial Scarf
93 Divine Aero Helm and Divine Aero Armor
94 Divine Buccaneer Bicorne and Divine Captain Coat
95 Firestorm Raider Helm and Firestorm Raider Tunic with Volcanic(Braided Beard,Raider Helm Crest,Braided Plume,Raider Horns)
96 Hunter Node Set ( Mask, Guards, Crusher with ctr vh, slime vh, asi med, and Wall )
97 Hunter Scale Helm and Hunter Spiraltail Mail
98 Impostoclaus Hat and Winterfest Coat with Divine Valkyrie, Tails-Tails, Crest Winter, Dusker Slippers
99 Late Harvest Pompom Snow Hat and Late Harvest Pullover
100 Obsidian Hood Of Rituals and Obsidian Mantle Of Rituals with Apocrean(Crown,Disciple Wings), and Shadow(Scarf,Round Shades,Parryng Blade), and Grasping Aura
101 Regal Aero Helm and Regal Aero Armor with Regal(Helm wings, Aero Spoiler,Pop Tennas,Swing Wings,Ankle Fins)
102 Shadow Hood and Cloak with Shadow(Vents,Round Shades,Wings Gen1)
103 Shadow Tailed Helm and Shadow Raiment with Shadow(Valkyrie,Party Hat,Ribbon), and Grasping Aura
104 Shadow Winged Helm and Shadow Raiment with Prismatic(Seraph Wings,Serap Tennas,Dazzling Helm), and Shadow Bomb Bandolier
105 Shadow Owlite Robe with Shadow Razorback Pack
106 Squall Raider Helm and Squall Raider Tunic with Charged(Braided Beard,Raider Helm Crest,Braided Plume,Raider Horns)
107 Tech Blue Budding Helm and coat
108 Tech Blue Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Blue Down Puffer with Tech Blue(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
109 Tech Green Budding Helm and coat
110 Tech Green Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Green Down Puffer with Tech Green(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
111 Tech Orange Budding Helm and coat
112 Tech Orange Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Orange Down Puffer with Tech Orange(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
113 Tech Pink Budding Helm and coat
114 Tech Pink Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Pink Down Puffer with Tech Pink(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
115 Toasty Aero Helm and Toasty Aero Armor with Toasty(Helm Wings,Com Dish,Razorback Pack)
116 Volcanic Node Set ( Mask, Guards, Crusher, Wall )
117 Volcanic Wolver Mask and Volcanic Owlite Robe with Volcanic Razorback Pack
118 Winter Raider Helm and Winter Raider Tunic with Winter(Braided Beard,Raider Helm Crest,Braided Plume,Raider Horns)
119 Silver Personal Color
120 Recruit's Battle Stand
121 Package Of Fireworks:(Small, Medium, Large)
122 Package Of:(500 Trick or Treat Confetti, 60 Winter confetti, 20 Slime Confetti)
123 Package Of:(1100 Grinchlin Snowball, 20 Rage Caller, Bucket Of Flawed Snowballs, 6 Bucket Of Bloons, Blue Personal Color)
124 Package Of:(Eternal Orb Of Alchemy, Elite Orb Of Alchemy, 18 Shining Fire Crystal, 2 Advance Orb Of Alchemy, 100 Glowing Fire Crystal, 25 Cracked Fire Crystal)
125 Package Of:(300 Flame Soul, 12 Maiden's Tear, 200 Philoso Feather, 300 Reaper Rib, 1k Blaze Pepper, 1k Blighted Bone, 1k Ghost Bell, 6 Punkin Sprout, 2500 Dead Gold, 30 Zee Core, 1k Driftwood, 1k Forbidden Fruit, 1k Brimstone, 3k Scrap Metal)

press CTRL + F in your browser to search for your name in the list

Raffle List and Winners: The names with the word steam next to them are the winners of the steam raffle.

1 Gackt - 4ke
2 Powerpuff-Girls - Winter Raider Helm and Winter Raider Tunic with Winter(Braided Beard,Raider Helm Crest,Braided Plume,Raider Horns)
3 Aatgy -4ke
4 Blazing-Galaxy4ke
5 Tylerluis - 4ke
6 Lyrose - Jelly Helm with Lovely Vertical Vents and Toupe
7 Statiicz - 4ke
8 Voofi - 4ke
9 Death-Key - 4ke
10 Mekolony - 4ke
11 Mrdonbdc - 4ke
12 Azuresh - Divine Buccaneer Bicorne and Divine Captain Coat
13 Sargosm - Tech Blue Boater
14 Bidoknight - 4ke
15 Cupidsarrow - Steam - Tech Blue Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Blue Down Puffer with Tech Blue(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
16 Pizzabroetchen - 4ke
17 Arumigen - Obsidian Hood Of Rituals and Obsidian Mantle Of Rituals with Apocrean(Crown,Disciple Wings), and Shadow(Scarf,Round Shades,Parryng Blade), and Grasping Aura
18 Lordofdragons - 4ke
19 Terakeon - 4ke
20 Killer-Bytez - 4ke
21 Awsome-Incarnate - 4ke
22 Sirzlime - 4ke
23 Teamzlegend - 4ke
24 Turbillion - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
25 Dx-Px - Cool Wolver Mask
26 Crazy-Horse - 4ke
27 Gdasher - 4ke
28 SillySalmon - Shadow Hood and Cloak with Shadow(Vents,Round Shades,Wings Gen1)
29 Irishespeon - 4ke
30 Harusaki - Recruit's Battle Stand
31 Soulflygon - won something, Thx for participating
32 blazeac - 4ke
33 Revelss - 4ke
34 Manfred-The-Legend - Rock Jelly Helm and Fancy Pullover with Fancy Scarf, Prismatic Toupe, Fancy Tome Of Rage
35 Corpse-Fire - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
36 Davidskm - 4ke
37 Jaybile - 4ke
38 Deadpanther - Grim Buster ctr vh
39 Alaricjp - Chilling Duelist
40 Refraizen - Squall Caller
41 Crazy-Leaves - Steam - Blazing Tailed Helm and Blazing Scale Mail
42 Nindef - 4ke
43 Blutdrachen - 4ke
44 Amine-Be - won something, Thx for participating
45 Okamisamaa - 4ke
46 Tapproot - 4ke
47 Romanici - 4ke
48 Ainogommon - Chaos Cowl and Chaos Cloak with Prismatic Valkyrie, Wolver Tail, Halo and Vents
49 Chezberger - Tech Pink Budding Helm and coat
50 Invalid-Individual - 4ke
51 Noomar - Steam - 4ke
52 Coai - 4ke
53 Imworsethanyou - 4ke
54 Night-Of-Zero - Toasty Onesie
55 Tickle-My-Titan - Package Of:(300 Flame Soul, 12 Maiden's Tear, 200 Philoso Feather, 300 Reaper Rib, 1k Blaze Pepper, 1k Blighted Bone, 1k Ghost Bell, 6 Punkin Sprout, 2500 Dead Gold, 30 Zee Core, 1k Driftwood, 1k Forbidden Fruit, 1k Brimstone, 3k Scrap Metal)
56 Almondtasterad - 4ke
57 Rock-Jelly-Cube - Chaos Cowl and Chaos Cloak with Dusky Valkyrie Wings, Wolver Tail, Vents and Glasses
58 Amour-Fantome - 4ke
59 Whcita - Volcanic Node Set ( Mask, Guards, Crusher, Wall )
60 Wqksayi - Raider Buckler
61 Merc-Bk - 4ke
62 Shaktimaan - Toasty Aero Helm and Toasty Aero Armor with Toasty(Helm Wings,Com Dish,Razorback Pack)
63 Fove - 4ke
64 Astrosexy - 4ke
65 Indrack - 4ke
66 Tsubasa-Chan - Divine Valkyrie Wings
67 Fishmclishy - 4ke
68 Chainguy - Prismatic Grand Topper
69 Exepire - 4ke
70 Jaketeal - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
71 Vursing - 4ke
72 Ducksay - won something, Thx for participating
73 Adan-Zx - 4ke
74 Theirillusion - 4ke
75 rallygou - Tech Blue Budding Helm and coat
76 Firetorpedo - 4ke
77 Braydaboy - Skolver Cap and Skolver Coat with uv Maximum and Divine Wings Gen1
78 Vanguardian-Master - 4ke
79 Kinjust - Deadly Candy Poker with undead vh
80 Azulavis - 4ke
81 Fighting-Polygon - 4ke
82 Ttato - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
83 Urbanned - 4ke
84 Slice-And-Impale - 4ke
85 Night-Shades - Tech Green Budding Helm and coat
86 Corvus-Glaive - Divine Aero Helm and Divine Aero Armor
87 Blackie-Maiden - 4ke
88 Marjarito - 4ke
89 Phoenix-Maid - 4ke
90 Toadyy - 4ke
91 Zappypants - Valkyrie Helm and Valkyrie Mail with Tails-Tails, Divine Valkyrie, snowfall aura,Crest Winter,Crown Winter
92 Redajit - 4ke
93 Yamarin - Glaciasl Snooze Night Cap
94 Solotron - 4ke
95 Naixic - Late Harvest hood and Cloak
96 Angel-Girl - 4ke
97 Mitexplode - 4ke
98 lightwork-jr - 4ke
99 Rain-snow - won something, Thx for participating
100 Divine-Donut - 4ke
101 Metalazer - 4ke
102 sprite-account - Impostoclaus Hat and Winterfest Coat with Divine Valkyrie, Tails-Tails, Crest Winter, Dusker Slippers
103 Freddy-Louis - 4ke
104 Toasty-Tanuki - Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with Sunshine Aura,Crest Summer, Prismatic Tennas
105 Chaotic-Divinity - 4ke
106 Zenwarriorsaga - Squall Raider Helm and Squall Raider Tunic with Charged(Braided Beard,Raider Helm Crest,Braided Plume,Raider Horns)
107 Shu-Jin-Kang - won something, Thx for participating
108 Genolo - Steam - 4ke
109 Exsolo - 4ke
110 jamanater - 4ke
111 Yolomenas - Steam - 4ke
112 Fozroz - 4ke
113 Euclidean-Space - Prismatic Seraph Wings
114 Leocantus - 4ke
115 Sr-Chiken - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
116 Effy-Da-Panda - Fractured Mask Of Seerus with Heavy Vents and Heavenly Iron Armor with Volcanic wings Gen1
117 Pgob - 4ke
118 Rang-Yi - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
119 Mister-Rainbow - Steam - 4ke
120 Lunadra - won something, Thx for participating
121 Miss-Melissa - Volcanic Wolver Mask and Volcanic Owlite Robe with Volcanic Razorback Pack
122 Deathcame - won something, Thx for participating
123 Silver-Set - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
124 Capitangeneral - 4ke
125 Asianguyoftoday - 4ke
126 Waterlennon - 4ke
127 Kelvinisme - Drakon Pod ( Piggy )
128 Stromling-Savior - Shining Forge Prize Box
129 Phoned-Leek - 4ke
130 Wajaa - 4ke
131 Zincamania - won something, Thx for participating
132 Octopews - Tacky Winter Pullover
133 Splingush - Steam - 4ke
134 Worvera - 4ke
135 Azzariusfinn - Razorback Pack
136 Fire-Nd - 4ke
137 spiralgustavo - 4ke
138 Trisfald - Shadow Exhaust Pipes
139 Hedranimus - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
140 Rumpetata - Tech Pink Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Pink Down Puffer with Tech Pink(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
141 Drefyy - 4ke
142 Darealsnooki - 4ke
143 Themykolas - 4ke
144 Ultimate-Angel - 4ke
145 Masleena - 4ke
146 Spyler - Proto Bomb and more
147 Cfynar - won something, Thx for participating
148 tyvod - 4ke
149 Red-Master - 4ke
150 Liucijus - Steam - 4ke
151 Ulriz - 4ke
152 Silvia-Kun - 4ke
153 Itz-Wolver-Gfx - 4ke
154 Ikalula - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
155 Spiral-Komet - 4ke
156 Geometrical - Humbug Hazer
157 Zan-Euro - Steam - 4ke
158 Destructo-Error - 4ke
159 Crusand - 4ke
160 Hatn - 4ke
161 Dakonyaxd - 4ke
162 Gugaarleo - 4ke
163 Zheth - 4ke
164 Maerry - won something, Thx for participating
165 Kilvish - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
166 Darkhuby - 4ke
167 Sethhembree - 4ke
168 Cristly - 4ke
169 Silent-Remains - 4ke
170 Makugan - Package Of:(500 Trick or Treat Confetti, 60 Winter confetti, 20 Slime Confetti)
171 Coldironmaiden - 4ke
172 Nudelfisch - Green Ward
173 The-Legend-Soldier - 4ke
174 Ualstra - 4ke
175 Exelius - 4ke
176 Fallen-Feces - Jelly Helm with Lovely Scarf and Lovely Bent Vertical Vents
177 Atalak - 4ke
178 Njthug - 4ke
179 The-Heathen - 4ke
180 Red-Wave - Divine Scholarly Tam
181 Competizione - 4ke
182 Qvantom - Steam - won something, Thx for participating
183 Janica - Seraphynx Pod ( Siamese )
184 astrou - 4ke
185 Spiny-Healer - 4ke
186 Lemonjello - Steam - 4ke
187 Robo-Rusty - 4ke
188 Ham-And-Eggs - 4ke
189 Tomtomsatnav - Late Harvest Pompom Snow Hat and Late Harvest Pullover
190 Poking-Stick - Seraphynx Pod ( Black Kat ) and Maskeraith Pod ( Punkin )
191 meppa - lovely sallet, shadowtech pink sensor unit, shadow culet, vile culet, prismatic plumed cap
192 Ger-Rz - 4ke
193 Andres-Xx - 4ke
194 Paizone - 4ke
195 The-Last-God - 4ke
196 Nadir-Sa - Tech Orange Budding Helm and coat
197 Panci - Wheat Snipe Perch
198 turnoi - Brandish asi med and ctr med
199 Ki-Na - won something, Thx for participating
200 Ramboguy - won something, Thx for participating
201 Fulmin - won something, Thx for participating
202 WayneCore - Steam - 4ke
203 Flowchart - Steam - Package Of:(Eternal Orb Of Alchemy, Elite Orb Of Alchemy, 18 Shining Fire Crystal, 2 Advance Orb Of Alchemy, 100 Glowing Fire Crystal, 25 Cracked Fire Crystal)
204 Steelbane - 4ke
205 Geomec - Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with Dazed Cat Tail and Devious Horns
206 Miki-Pink - Steam - Tawny Fur Set ( Cap and Coat )
207 Mr-Karma - 4ke
208 Cosmosonic - 4ke
209 Shanti-Dope - Shadow Key and Trinket Penta Heart Pendant
210 Tpk-Ex - Steam - Shadow Winged Helm and Shadow Raiment with Prismatic(Seraph Wings,Serap Tennas,Dazzling Helm), and Shadow Bomb Bandolier
211 Transby - 4ke
212 Kira-Itamio - 4ke
213 Bloody-Hands - 4ke
214 Ttomt - 4ke
215 El-Sparco - Steam - 4ke
216 Stonkz - 4ke
217 Lukaxds - Steam - 4ke
218 Malqom - Steam - 4ke
219 Hennrycamacaro - Hunter Scale Helm and Hunter Spiraltail Mail
220 Hyperion-Ultra - 4ke
221 Wyjebson - Regal Aero Helm and Regal Aero Armor with Regal(Helm wings, Aero Spoiler,Pop Tennas,Swing Wings,Ankle Fins)
222 Ughug - 4ke
223 Strikersz - 4ke
224 Billybones - 4ke
225 Ventally - 228 Golden Slime Coin
226 Jade-Hikaru 4ke
227 Blessings - 4ke
228 Umbra-Lunatis - 4ke
229 Fangel - won something, Thx for participating
230 Fumizuki - 4ke
231 Frogbooty - 4ke
232 Aerrowmax - 4ke
233 Klipik - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
234 Brother-Zeke - won something, Thx for participating
235 Fieryhound - Celestial Nav Helm and Galactic Guardian Vest with Solar Plasma Wings,Sun Crest,Orbit aura,Crown Summer,Glacial Scarf
236 Haiseki - 4ke
237 Spiralfighters - 4ke
238 Mbcscp - Ruby Stranger Set ( Cap and robe )
239 Within-Sanity - 4ke
240 Aqua-Spitfire - 4ke
241 Angelic-Flower - 4ke
242 Tykrome - Steam - 4ke
243 The-Original-Jeff - Steam - 4ke
244 Smug-Of-Misery - Galactic Guardian Helm
245 Colophon - 4ke
246 Soup-Hawk - 4ke
247 Vivaz-Pro - won something, Thx for participating
248 Bladky - 4ke
249 Xenovide - 4ke
250 Flexlolo - 4ke
251 Sir-Mechasu - 4ke
252 Aspeon-Frost - Steam - Tech Orange Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Orange Down Puffer with Tech Orange(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
253 Juliop - 4ke
254 Sun-Lock - 4ke
255 Colonel-Jo - 4ke
256 Thorfinns - 4ke
257 Rendep - 4ke
258 Saturnknight - 4ke
259 Gingersrule - 4ke
260 drinkeater - 4ke
261 Oni-Goroshi-Chosen - 4ke
262 Smilestar - 4ke
263 Maris-palmier - Steam - 4ke
264 Qwiksucc - 4ke
265 unwhite - 4ke
266 Mediek - Feral Kat Suit
267 In-Hale - 4ke
268 Gangsta-Penguin - 4ke
269 Pionier-Pipo - 4ke
270 Dopehail - 4ke
271 Mienfoorox - Steam - 4ke
272 Furry-Jelly - Tawny Winged Helm and Tawny Raiment
273 Airbee - 4ke
274 Qscaxezw - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
275 Dis-Rets-Pekt - 4ke
276 Loengreen - 4ke
277 Vloxor - 4ke
278 Kaosmios - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
279 Mad-Boyy - Steam - 4ke
280 Campanela - Package Of:(1100 Grinchlin Snowball, 20 Rage Caller, Bucket Of Flawed Snowballs, 6 Bucket Of Bloons, Blue Personal Color)
281 Hyora - 4ke
282 Zumarian - 4ke
283 Estelrone - Silver Personal Color
284 Kuknxo - 4ke
285 Throwtheworld - Divine Veil Set with Prismatic Wings Gen1, Mecha wings and Twinkle aura
286 Chawii - 4ke
287 Keep-Saying-It - 4ke
288 Zeuues - 4ke
289 Dark-Striker - 4ke
290 Myval - won something, Thx for participating
291 Sinnerslayer - Static Flash
292 Inferno-Striker - Package Of Fireworks:(Small, Medium, Large)
293 Nano-Sec - Maskeraith Pod ( Freeze )
294 Sosheem - Shadow Tailed Helm and Shadow Raiment with Shadow(Valkyrie Wings,Party Hat,Ribbon), and Grasping Aura
295 Good-Spirit - 4ke
296 Dream-Harmonics - 4ke
297 Gearico - Nog Blaster with fiend vh
298 Pyrosparker - Seraphynx Pod ( Love Puppy )
299 PixelKuchen - 4ke
300 Carnatux - 4ke
301 Challi - 4ke
302 AnimalMills - Kate Eye Mask and Wild Kat Suit with Divine Dragon Wings, Snowfall Aura,Crest Winter
303 All-Living-Bunny - Vog Cub Cap and Vog Cub Coat with Flame aura, Volcanic Halo,Valkyrie,Wolver Tail,Tome Of Rage
304 Monstermanic - 4ke
305 Erard - 4ke
306 DHARYX - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
307 Tiny-Devilite - Prismatic Bolted Vee x80
308 Spark-Of-Kill - Divine Barrel Belly
309 Anarchyone - 4ke
310 Elderbrook - 4ke
311 Gazille-Redfox - 4ke
312 Filetic - Arctic Acolyte Hood and Arctic Acolyte Mantle with Arctic(Shackles,Disciple Wings,Crown), Glacial Gear Halo
313 Xilenzed - 4ke
314 Jerkoss - 4ke
315 Zagazon - Steam - Electron vortex ctr med
316 Thesoracc - 4ke
317 Spiral-Destroer - Tawny Hood and Cloak
318 ill-iowol-ill - 4ke
319 Lemonleaf - 4ke
320 Palamech - 4ke
321 Ex-Executor - Brandish ctr high
322 Milkshanks - 4ke
323 Rj-Ghani - 4ke
324 Ankros - 4ke
325 Not-Orangeo - 4ke
326 Dudeuszz - Savage Kat Suit
327 kkmmdd - won something, Thx for participating
328 Vanilla-Knight - 4ke
329 Armor-Mech - Steam - 4ke
330 Custelinhaa - 4ke
331 Legobuild - 4ke
332 Guaxynim - 4ke
333 Lavaninja - 4ke
334 Dar-Veider - 4ke
335 Artax-Crk - 4ke
336 Atmu - 4ke
337 Game-Saviour - 4ke
338 Curioussimon - won something, Thx for participating
339 Emxt - Steam - Mirrored Lockbox with 1 Silver Key
340 Teeheeface - Hunter Node Set ( Mask, Guards, Crusher with ctr vh, slime vh, asi med, and Wall )
341 Gohg - The Bitter End
342 Streetdragon - 4ke
343 Immortalsausages - 4ke
344 caesar-Hyoko - Tech Green Pompom Snow Hat and Tech Green Down Puffer with Tech Green(Snow Goggles,Ear Muffs,Headlamp,Checkered Scarf,Vitakit,Radio)
345 ekentros - Steam - 4ke
346 Aurnix - Skolver Cap and Skolver Coat with Skolver Slippers, Divine Valkyrie,Wolver Tail,Halo,Mewkat Monster Pocket
347 Spimar - Drakon Pod ( Piggy )
348 Lolyna - 4ke
349 Jassquez - 4ke
350 Elminaki - Steam - Gremlin Disguise
351 Icesurge - Turbillion ctr vh
352 Menomaru - won something, Thx for participating
353 Nicolasarg - 4ke
354 Hooligengaming - Firestorm Raider Helm and Firestorm Raider Tunic with Volcanic(Braided Beard,Raider Helm Crest,Braided Plume,Raider Horns)
355 Khemostry - 4ke
356 El-Mudo - Black kat Cowl and Vitasuit Deluxe with Uvs and Prismatic(Valkyrie Wings,Cat Tail) and Volcanic Whisker
357 Theyuki - 4ke
358 idiosyncrasies - 4ke
359 Sufferings - Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with uv Maximum and Wild Bone Pendant
360 Thot-Patrol-Unit - 4ke
361 Ruck-Fekkles - 4ke
362 Stormcheetah - Cyclops Cap with freeze medium and Vitasuit with fire mediun
363 Asan-Ploto - 4ke
364 Master-Nano-Vail - 4ke
365 Sonhak - Force Buckler with stun maximum
366 Gimme-Dat-Rice - 4ke
367 Irish-Eyes - won something, Thx for participating
368 The-Voting-Van - 4ke
369 Alvarado-Nba - 4ke
370 Alextronis - Shadow Owlite Robe with Shadow Razorback Pack
371 Ozbunny - 4ke
372 Cahlzinn - 4ke
373 Exedes - Wolver Cap and Wolver Coat with Tawny Vents,Doggie Tail,Wild Bone Pendant, Wolver Slippers
374 Bourbons - 4ke
375 Ill-Ixwxl-Ill - 4ke
376 Slimcake-VLL - 4ke
377 The-Vovochka - 4ke
378 Doppy - 4ke
379 Kopler - 4ke
380 Usagialexx - 4ke
381 Wolflip - Steam - 4ke
382 Xedgar - 4ke
383 Shen-She - 4ke
384 Tenoriio - 4ke
385 Dungeon-Guardian - 4ke
386 Sebakeil - Autumn Pompom Snow Hat and Wooly Pullover
387 Bnmeza - 4ke
388 Annkha - 4ke
389 Iriisu - Steam - 4ke
390 Scionwish - 4ke
391 Eurodance - won something, Thx for participating
392 jpng - 4ke
393 Antony-Zz - 4ke
394 dreadweap - 4ke
395 Teaspoonn - 4ke
396 Pingpongmaster - Tails Tails
397 Shanguy - Snarbolax Cap and Snarbolax Coat with Snarbolax Slippers, Shadow Dragon wings,Crest Winter,Crown Winter
398 General-Rukacedia - 4ke
399 Thomasjimene - Ice Queen Crown with Polar Night Warden Coat with Polar Wings,Round Shades,Scarf, and Crown Winter
400 WorldWeary - 4ke
401 Gome-Xyz - 4ke
402 bbeastyplays - Vitasuit Deluxe and Polar Day Wolf Hood with Divine Valkyrie, Divine Cat Tail, Mewkat Monster Pocket, and Love aura
403 Altreon - 4ke

Some more guys
404 Funnybunnys - 4ke
405 Lxniqo - Tech Green Splash Trunks
406 Talsam - Amethyst Stranger Cap
407 Electroburst - 4ke
408 Best-Any-Zombie - 4ke
409 Nymphali - 4ke

Gackt's picture
IGN : Gackt

IGN : Gackt

Powerpuff-Girls's picture
Ign - Powerpuff-Girls


used to be Will-Chong if you remember :)

Graevy's picture

I really appreciate what you're doing for the community, hope ya'll have fun. Good luck to all the participants.

Ign Aatgy


Blazing-Galaxy's picture
IGN - Blazing-Galaxy


Tylerluis's picture
IGN - Tylerluis


Lyrose's picture
Good Luck with your life!


Statiicz's picture

IGN - Statiicz

Hi, thanks for hosting this giveaway,

Good luck to all, hope everyone can get something nice =)

Voofi-Forums's picture
IGN - Voofi

IGN- Voofi

Hey, not sure if you remember me but we used to do a lot of Vana/Grinchlin missions several years back. Glad to see you are doing well, and thanks for hosting the giveaway.


Sad to see another person with good will leave

IGN: Death-Key

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DKeyCB


IGN - Mekolony

Mrdonbdc's picture

IGN - Mrdonbdc

Azuresh's picture
Thank you!


Primero que todo gracias por pensar en la comunidad emepece a leer y fuu que locura pensaba, pero hay cosas mas grandes que el "yo" etc GRACIAS Panlla recordemos año 2020 Jajaja :D y asi bien bonito! BRAVOOO

SK Sargosm
Discord Srbayot#5938

y si suerte a todos, y no la cagen con bots... :D

Bidoknight's picture
Good luck with whatever you'll do next.


Thank You and Safe Travels.

IGN : Cupidsarrow

Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/VallPal

Pizza-Broetchen's picture

IGN - Pizzabroetchen


Boop boop!
Hey there! Thanks for doing this, much appreciated! Couple questions though. Are we able to choose if we wanna enter in just the item or energy giveaway? As you said we can only win one or the other. As well as- are we able to enter the steam giveaway regardless if we won either of the other two giveaways? If that's the case, my steam is also Arumigen. However if not then I'll just do the SK item/energy related giveaway :) Thank you! Cheers <3

Lordofdragons's picture
Thank You!

IGN: Lordofdragons

Steam Profile:

Thank you for the giveaway!

Fiery-Diskgun's picture
MVP right here!

IGN: Terakeon

Steam Profile:

You are doing a great service to the community!

Teamzlegend's picture

good luck and have a nice day :3
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Teamzlegend226

Killer-Bytez's picture
It's very nice of you to do this :)

IGN : Killer-Bytez

Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/bytez11/

Thanks for the giveaway and best of luck for the future :)

Awsome-Incarnate's picture

IGN: Awsome-Incarnate
Thank you.

Sirzlime's picture
Good luck!

Wow! I didn't realize this was your plan when you came to me asking for info! I'm sure everyone in the community appreciates what you're doing and as long as it makes you happy I'm happy! I wish you the best in your future endeavours... Thanks for doing this and good luck to everyone!

IGN: Sirzlime

Steam Profile:

Turbillion's picture
IGN: Turbillion Thanks for

IGN: Turbillion

Thanks for such a generous giveaway ÒwÓ

Das-Il's picture

IGN: Dx-Px

Steam ID: PяoDigY ★

Crazy-Horse's picture

IGN: Crazy-Horse
Thank you!

Raffle entry

IGN: Gdasher
Thanks for doing this!


IGN: SillySalmon

Irishespeon's picture
Thank you!

IGN: Irishespeon

Harusaki's picture

IGN: Harusaki

Soulflygon's picture

IGN: Soulflygon

I wish you all the best in your upcoming endeavours~ :)



Revelss's picture
Raffle :D

ING: Manfred-The-Legend


IGN: Corpse-Fire


Hola / Hi!

IGN: Davidskm
Steam: Titocalvii

Gracias! ^^

Raffle mew mew
Deadpanther's picture
Ha this should be interesting

Ha this should be interesting as random raffles always tend to be since you never know how something will turn out much like most of life so I'll bite and see.

IGN: Deadpanther


IGN: Alaricjp

Refraizen's picture
W h o a w

IGN: Refraizen

I hope it was a nice run through the game overall. It's sad to see any player go especially veteran players who've stuck around for as long as they have, but whatever the reason, I wish you well in your life going forward. Happy trails from Referoo~

i am poor, eternally :pensive:
Loot-Skipper's picture

IGN: Nindef


IGN: Blutdrachen

Good luck!

IGN: Amine-Be

Hey, Wish you all the best!
Tapproot's picture

IGN: Tapproot

Hello bro , Wish you all the best!

IGN : Romanici