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Reusing textures for a Prize Box: The Almirian Prize Box

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

I have come up with an idea for a prize box which mostly reuses textures that are already in the game.
The Almirian Prize Box:

1. Almirian Spear - Final Flourish Reskin (Maybe a white and a burned version)

2. New accessory: Almirian Cape (The cape Lord Vanaduke is wearing could be implemented as an accessory in standard colors)

3. Almirian Mace - (Lord Vanaduke's Mace could be made into a Sudaruska reskin or maybe even a 5* fire Troika)

4. Almirian Maskeraith - a Maskeraith Reskin resembling Lord Vanaduke's Mask (It could appear in the weakened state when the Sprite's cooldown is active)

5. Burned Crusader Armor/Helm - the Armor of the Almirian Crusader NPCs could be used as a costume

6. Furnishing pieces from the Almirian Furniture Box could be added to the prize pool too

7. The Prize Box could also include one of the following Auras: Flame, Baleful, Dreadful, Fiery

I believe that the items mentioned could be added without great expense and that they would increase the play experience for many knights.

Looking forward to receive feedback from other knights or maybe even Grey Havens.

Oooh, interestin suggestion

I'd like to yeet some almirian guards with their own weapon ngl. Almirian masky with the cool down thing sounds amazing as well.

Sounds great!

Would buy some

On the subject of giving us stuff that npcs have

I'm just going to leave this here: