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Sword and shield for Angelic set?

3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

I recently bought the Angelic set for my character thinking it would do some damage, but apparently I was told I'm using the wrong items for my sword and shield to do decent damage? (I get beat down a lot in tier 2). Are there a set combo for the Angelic set or a special type of weapon I should be using?

I currently use the Tempered Calibur and Drake Scale shield. What should they be for best results?

Legacy Username
Well, angelic is more one of

Well, angelic is more one of those specific circumstance sets. It's fine if you make sure you're fighting shadow damage. To that end.. more anti undead stuff if that's what you want to do. Might not be a bad idea. Graveyards, once you get deep enough, are a real pain in the butt. Even more so than not having elemental defense against half elemental enemies. Graveyards hemorrhage crown too.

But what do you see yourself wanting to do?

Portrait de Tenkii
If you really wanna be

If you really wanna be anti-undead, Silvermail/Radiant Silvermail would help (bonus dmg vs undead). And to capitalize on that, an elemental-type weapon would be extra bonus.

The Angelic-Valkyrie line is bonus damage vs Fiends (devilites, greavers, trojans, and the butterfly things). In that case, a piercing-type weapon would be extra bonus.

Drake shield SUCKS until like, tier 3, when you fight things that don't always have normal damage lol. Even then, it's even more specific to fire type places.

Legacy Username
Well, I honestly got it

Well, I honestly got it because it looked rather neat to me. I was looking for something outstanding that everyone didn't run around in (I.E. Wolver series), but reading what you posted should that be what I need to do? I rather be able to take down most creatures rather than just shadow types alone. I've been eyeing the Chroma set because it has piercing instead of shadow, which Wolver had and I did a lot of damage with it, so I'm guessing I should get that for the basic fights? Maybe use the Angelic set for those times I run into the graveyard.

That being said, is it safe to say whatever the armor supports (Piercing, Normal, shadow, etc) is the type of weapon I should use with it?