Looking for some top-end advice
Tue, 06/21/2011 - 15:34

So, I've been playing this game for a while, and I have my five star stuff and some extra stuff and I'm trying to decide what to do next. This is what I have now:
Azure Guardian Set
Heater Shield
Swiftstrike Buckler
Vog Cub Coat
Super blast bomb
I also have recipes for all of the 2* elemental bombs and all of the alchemers through 3*, but I've never really made or used any of them. I've been using levi/valiance pretty much the whole time--no real experience with bombs or status effects.
I'm trying to decide what to build and/or fiddle around with next. Things I've considered are:
Vog Cub Hat (complete the set)
Shivermist Buster
Venom Veiler
What would you guys suggest?