Hologram help

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This has 3 parts

-boss craft items

-enemy type

-training hall

Part 1: boss items

-For this I was thinking of a item that is basically a ace in the hole for about 20-60 seconds.

-It world take 3-5 of the trophy material you can trade for from brinks for boss tokens (snarbostuffing and jelly glue etc.) and say, 50 minerals of the old monster gate construction spectrum,( for bosses such as Seerus and Arkus they would need perfect mask parts and more minerals respectively) this would make a hologram token for the chosen boss

-You can then trade said token at a merchant found at the crossroads and in towns for a boss hologram usable pickup and 1 token back of the same type(so you can use it later)

-you can only hold 1 boss hologram usable pickup of a type.( no making 3 royal jellies, but you can make a royal jelly, snarbolax, Arkus and Seerus if you use all your slots for them) ( Im thinking maybe being rid of this point to make it more worth it.)

-They would have no-clip to prevent chunky hitbox shenanigans.(makes sense for a hologram)

-It would basically spawn a boss of choice with the textures/shaders that is used on the tortodrone with their shield bash line.

ps: this was a idea I had thinking about if ready rooms were customizable these would a a machine that dispenses said hologram usables.


New enemy: The projector

-a rare construct that has no clip and can copy a random enemy and make it do elemental damage( it was going to make a copy of the player but that sounds like it would be hard to code)

- hitting the hologram does nothing, the projector itself is a orbital like the shields of a battlepod, ( I imagine they could recycle code from said shields for it)


The training hall

- it would be nice to have holograms of different monster types other than the constructs that are there, to help new players learn how monsters attack, this also goes for guild halls.

Thank you for reading this and thank you for your time, any critique and suggestions would be appreciated!