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Bring Back Players With Tradeable items

3 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

I suggest making more items with diffrent rarities on diffrent levels tradeable drops & not bound in game to bring back more players.

for example Everyone farms for Radiants, but they never drop tradeable, so nobody has anything to actually reach out to another player to sell or buy unless they spend cash to open boxes and get something thats worth trading, I amongst alot of other new players that dont know values dont spend money on boxes like this, aswell as cant afford it.

aswell as all those eternal orbs everyone is getting is not really with any purpose idk maybe do something about that or make it tradeable and not bound drops. so people has something to sell instead of everything we gain of shinings and eternal orbs, aswell as when it became really easy to level up with heating by doing vanaduke, all heat amplifiers got obsolete, no real reason to have them, so the 7days and 30 days ones kinda scammed away alot of money for players aswell as giving it no purpose, so it seems like a rippoff selling a 30days one for 1800CE in the store, remake this to Realistic Values Realistic prices, put more effort into this cus other players realises this just like me.

I want the game to be popular again, please start editing somewhere things that a avarage new players would notice, prices of CE and the items you spend it on aswell as maybe making more difficult dungeons or enemies with more health and better drops, diffrent drops then what we are used to for 10 years,

If I was a new player from scratch in a normal dungeon now with a new character I would spend along time getting stronger yes, but I would need friends to help cus I wouldn't know the mechanics, and since it's lacking of players unless people start the game together which is not always the case.. I suggest boosting them with items with higher level for a duration OR giving them a permanent weapon on high level which will last for alot of missions up to a certain point untill they need to buy a new weapon, just so newest of the newest players dont invest all their hard earned cash and materials on wepaons they will never use again. cus the amount of difficulty to be lucky to be dragged into Vanaduke by strong players, And having the skill to dodge is unlikely, so players will quit halfway cus not enough players to play with.

I dont mind if it is easier for new players cus they will eventually join us late game players and make the game fun for us again, and then we would have more players to trade with, so even if many would think its unfair to boost new players now adays on a half dead game, It will bring it back to life and in the long run win win for everyone.

Thanks for reading, it could definetely be shorter and more precise definition on my suggestion but I was tired when typing it, thanks for reading anyways.


Portrait de The-Ancient-One

This is a bad suggestion because.

I hate new players and think it's funny when people quit.

Portrait de Bomber-Kat

The grind wall around 3 and 4star gear is pretty bad yeah, I don't think it's really necessary but I guess it gives a purpose to playing more around that level. I would also like if the game told new players to buy most recipes from Hall of Heroes in a more obvious way, I see way too many new players being basically scammed by people on the auction house who put up tradeable mission recipes for more expensive than Hall prices.

Also wish there was an easier way to have new players learn the importance of certain things like, always play on Elite or else you'll basically never get orb drops, being able to trade crowns to energy on supply depot instead of wasting money on overpriced orbs on auction house, certain levels that are good for grinding orbs like RJP, axes of evil, IMF, and (other people said) rise or fall first level, though in my experience I've never had advanced orb luck on rise or fall. It's usually way better to just buy the advanced orbs from depot than to try and farm them, even for new players imo. But they won't know that because nothing will tell them, unless they specifically ask.

strength and Auction House TAX = Scam.

players don't have the strength to always play on elite, so they aren't able to earn more then 500-1k if they are lucky correct me if I'm wrong it might be even way worse. it is hard for new players, it's basicly cancer.

I also made a topic on TAX on Auction House, it's basicly a scam. a player earns a few k, puts the item on ah after earning up to 10k they wanna sell something for 10k and it costs them 1000 to just place it there, and if it dont sell then they use another 1k and another 1k, and if it finally sell on the 3rd try they used 2k + they get refunded the fee but has to pay 10% of the profits to the auction house aswell so they onlyearn 7k. it's unfair and hard if u wanna place many things on auction house, that's wshy it's so dead now, barrely any thing on the AH, so little that nobody knows the price of things so nobody dares to buy, so theres no circulation except from alot of low bis and alot of Loss of money for the people that place it on ah, at some point I am starting to think if the developers is the ones placing it on the AH cus of the lack of items.

aswell I do believe the tax was ok to stop spam on AH when the game was popular, the fee should be made half of what it is right now tho, prolly one of the reasons people quit cus it's a scam. but right now I dont barely see activity on the Auction house, I believe it's unecesserely for the TAX at this point.