Set Bonuses Worth it? Or Mix and Match?
Well ive been wondering if its worth it to get a full set at 5* or is it better to mix thigns up to balance out your defences?
Currently im wearing Sunset Set, and im planning on upgrading to Nameless Set once i get lvl 10. I am planing on going heavy into gunning, but ive noticed that my set doesnt give me much shadow protection, and fiends seem to rip me up. I use an Ironmight Shield.
So would mixing in some Divine Set be better or maybe going pure Divine? Whats you guys' thoughts?

Mix and Match is what I would have to say. If you go fully with one set it will put you extremely high defense in one area but very vulnerable in another.
Definitely mix. Unless there's a set that covers everything you want, then I'd pick out my favorites and smash em together :D
There's no such thing as a set bonus. There's just items that match aesthetically and stat wise.
get pieces that cover the defenses you need.