Vog or Skolver?

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I'm currently wearing Ash Tail Armor and wondering what kind of armor I should be getting for 5*. My weapons are all swords and they are: Nightblade, Dark Snarble Sword, and Avenger. Yes, I do use all three for counter in different situations. Now I know skolver is damage and vog is attack speed but I just can't decide which would do better and which would help my sword only play style. I'm planning to use skolver for the damage but I've seen a lot of vog for the speed addition. I do like to hit and run too but still. SO here's were you help me, which one would YOU prefer?

Legacy Username

elemental defence and it just looks better

...well i guess you could mix seeing as some monsters do piercing now...

Legacy Username
Skolver for almost

Skolver for almost everything.
Vog only for Firestorm Citadel.

Zettalux's picture
I use Vog set + Swifstrike

I use Vog set + Swifstrike Buckler for its speed. If you want performance out of swordplay, definitely roll with Vog.

However, Skolver is good for its pierce defence. My Skolver only sees use in RJ runs, though.

Legacy Username
''I use Vog set + Swifstrike

''I use Vog set + Swifstrike Buckler for its speed. If you want performance out of swordplay, definitely roll with Vog.''

Performance, just because of a negligible speed bonus? I laughed, especially when you mentioned the Swiftstrike Buckler; now you're just hobbling yourself in Tier 3.

The speed bonus makes not much of a difference for a lot of weapons to be honest, even with Speed Increased Maximum which I've tested out. You'll mostly see a difference in very slow weapons, or weapons that are already pretty fast; e.g. Strikers or Flourish-series.

Speed means nothing when you're already killing everything in 1~2 hits, 3 at the very most if you go with Skolver + Barbarous Thorn Shield.

Zettalux's picture
lolwut Uhm, I'd rather have


Uhm, I'd rather have Vog when it comes to T3, thank you very much. And yes, I'm finding that speed still is better, especially in Firestorm Citidael - not to mention the elemental defence. I do, however, use Vog coat + Divine Veil for its shadow defence. And yes, you'd be a fool for using SS Buckler for T3. I never said I didn't use other shields - calm your nerdrage man.

Speed does matter when no matter how high you hit with your Divine Avenger, Glacius and whatnot, those fire-slags in Firestorm Citidael take plenty of hits in a party of 3+. And when your whole team can hit fast, they won't have a chance to hit back. A good pushback combo from DA with Vog's speed increase helps with those zombies' melee attacks.

With Skolver, you'll probably just melt in FSC. And FSC is pretty much all I do nowadays - since everything else kinda... isn't as thrilling, I'd say. Well, I can see use for Skolver for jelly runs, which is what I do use.

Nonetheless, it's best to have both.

Zettalux's picture
>The speed bonus makes not

>The speed bonus makes not much of a difference for a lot of weapons to be honest, even with Speed Increased Maximum which I've tested out.

Er.... You sure? 'Cause I swing my Glacius *much* faster with Vog set + SS Buckler than with Skolver. And uh, I mean much faster. Really, much faster.

Legacy Username
''Speed does matter when no

''Speed does matter when no matter how high you hit with your Divine Avenger, Glacius and whatnot, those fire-slags in Firestorm Citidael take plenty of hits in a party of 3+. And when your whole team can hit fast, they won't have a chance to hit back. A good pushback combo from DA with Vog's speed increase helps with those zombies' melee attacks.''

You would have a point, except you obviously didn't my first post in this thread. I said myself Skolver is for almost everything, Vog is for Firestorm Citadel. I'm sorry you go in with a party though, I find soloing in all cases to be much more efficient.

''With Skolver, you'll probably just melt in FSC. And FSC is pretty much all I do nowadays - since everything else kinda... isn't as thrilling, I'd say. Well, I can see use for Skolver for jelly runs, which is what I do use.''

Again, read above.

Though, obviously we see you're biased. If Firestorm is all you do then obviously that's why you're saying Vog is best, but this person isn't asking for advice on equipment for just -one- area of the game.

Also, no nerdrage here, I've been laughing this whole time.

Zettalux's picture
Nerdlaughs, same thing.

Nerdlaughs, same thing. Emotion provoked from other players in video games is a part of nerdrage in my books. (I mean really... who laughs at someone's choice of gear in Spiral Knights? >.>)

Since you're a solo-er... I guess you don't see the opinion of others much.

Nonetheless, as more people join your party, speed becomes more useful than the Skolver's damage bonus. That goes for not only FSC, but almost all cases. I was using FSC as an example as to why speed is a good thing to have, you know. I'm referring here, of course, to T3 since any less doesn't really mean much. I guess being in a guild prompts you to go in teams, and thus thrusting the favour towards Vog over Skolver.

Yes, I agree, soloing is more efficient. But anyone can solo almost regardless of equipment, even in T3 I'd say. I used to do T3 runs all the time in my old 4* gear which was neither Skolver or Vog without dying. As long as you know how to deal with situations you're in, you'll be fine so long as you aren't severely under-geared.

And back with that observation - are you sure the speed *doesn't make a difference*? Cause I, well, REALLY, see a difference. Like, I don't see how that CAN'T be something...

>is baffled

Zettalux's picture
Ah and I forgot to add in one

Ah and I forgot to add in one more thing - the extra speed helps with slapping around them mobs. Like, the faster you can get that final hit from your combo in, you're more likely to cancel the mob's attack. I've done lotsa bonzai attacks with great success with this method.

And, thus, results moar DPS.