Divine avenger vs. glacius/combuster.

I am close to getting 25 jelly tokens, in which I can get a sealed sword, or an antigua. I already have a silent nightblade, which I think can rule out faust as I like this. I like my silent nightblade a lot and plan making it into an acheron. Now I was thinking, I should get another sword with elemental damage. should I get the sealed sword and make it into a DA? Or perhaps a Iceburst/ Fireburst brandish sword line?
I know that the glacius/combuster only do fire or ice on the charge attack, and I use a charge a lot. Or maybe I should put this all behind me and get the calibur line? I could really use a new gun. So, antigua or sealed sword?
Thanks for all your advice.
IGN: Rangerwill .

I absolutely love the DA's charge and the natural knockback that gets me out of trouble a lot. The Combuster and Glacius do have higher DPS since they get 3 attack combos, compared to the DA's two hit combo, but in my opinion the DA's charge itself is one of the best in the game.
I'm a gunslinger (I use the DA for Citadel or depending on the gate) and I believe the antigua isn't a great line to go with, a lot people use the Argent Peacemaker because it's good for Citadel (being that you are only using one gun that is) since It does a bit better damage against the undead and fiends, including Vanaduke. But the split damage makes it pretty bad against everything, or a little above average against specific things, so very situational weapons. The range and clip sizes are a godsend though, if you can deal with doing pretty pathetic damage.
I've seen threads that go over DA vs Glacius/Combuster so you should try searching for those to help decide.
I asked about this too, both here and IRC, the general conclusion is that the DA charge is invaluable, and it'll save your butt while doing some insane damage if you use it correctly. I went through your exact thought process, Antigua maybe, using silent nightblade atm, looking for an elemental sword.. Deciding between these two lines. I chose DA over the other two, it just seems to be more useful for its purposes.
The combuster and glacius are great all-round weapons, i also have the silent nightblade which is great for gremlins, combuster and glacius are great for gun puppies, mecha nights, lumbers, kats (basically every enemy besides beasts) I rekon they are a must have.