Rate my armour
So, I've been playing this game for a couple of days and I must say that I absolutely love it! So far I have played 14 hours in 2 days. :)
Well, as everyone who played for more than an hour knows, equipment is vital to last even a second in this game, but as I am new I do not know about most of the equipment and as such I do not know what I should get four tier 4*.
Here is what I currently have in each slot and what I intend to do with them unless better advice is given;
Weapon(s) - Ascended Calibur
I intend to upgrade this to a Leviathan Blade. I also intend to get a secondary in the form of a Brandish blade going to shadowpath using one of those slot upgrades so I can have both swords a bomb.
I also have the Super Blast Bomb which I intend to upgrade to a Nitronome.
Helmet - Chroma Mask
I intend to upgrade this along the Salamanderline to protect against Fire, cause I feel that I have a hard time dealing with fireattacks.
Armour - Solid Cobalt Armour
I honestly have no idea what I am going to do with this. I am considering going Mighty Cobalt, but I would prefer something with elementary defenses to match with my Salamander mask.
Shield - Owlite Shield
Well, I intend to upgrade my Owlite shield till tier 5*.
Any and all suggestions are welcome - if you want, feel free to add an explanation of why you reccomend me to choose just that piece of equipment. :)
- Envisionise
It's a good base sword and shield, the bomb is standard with a nice pushback, and the helmet is solid. I've never played with the cobalt line so I'm not sure how that will work out.
The idea to get a shadow weapon is nice. Most people run with either 1 normal weapon (like leviathan) or 3 weapons, one for each damage type (shadow/pierce/elemental) and switch for the enemies they fight. If you run a leviathan, you could use your second and third slots for a gun and bomb! Pick a gun that does pure damage in a type who's enemy you have trouble with.
Thanks for your answer!
I'm not sure, so far I'm not too fond of guns, but I didn't really try them out properly. Do you/anyone else have any idea of what armour I should get?
Bump. Any and all suggestions are welcome.