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Flamberg Worth It?

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

I'm looking at this elemental line of sword upgrades from the flourish. Now, I've become rather heart broken that such an awesome sword doesn't work against the most common enemies in the game, but something about a fire version that tickles me. I'm also in Salamander armor so it feels somehow.. appropriate that I would set people on fire as well.

Yet my innate sense of BS is telling me this wouldn't be a good idea.


Portrait de Nechrome

the flamberg may be able to couse fire, but many monsters are uneffected by it(the oilers get healed if set on fire, for example). u want a weapon that has no weaknesses. i suggest the rigadoon instead. it does pretty much the same stats as the flamberge, but cause stun instead of fire. no monster is ueffected by stun, so this is sort of better than the flamberge. also, the flamberge causes fire, which can spread you. this would be bad if youre surronded by mobs. the fire could spread to u. if u stun them though, this gives you a chance to escape being totally destoyed.

Legacy Username
Stun would certainly be

Stun would certainly be handy, but then it still has the issue of doing piercing damage. At least the flamberg has the perk of being awesome.

Oh well.

Thank you for your speedy response. Maybe I'll work on cutters instead.

Portrait de Nechrome

U r welcome!

IGN: Lordofnecromancers (dont know why i put that there; just thought i should)

Portrait de Duskdash
Oilers are also resistant to

Oilers are also resistant to piercing, so it's a complete non-issue for them.

After using the Rigadoon and Flourish lines side-by-side, I'd say the status effects aren't worth the lost damage. The tooltip bar isn't accurate in terms of how much damage you lose from going Rigadoon/Flamberge - the main Flourish line just outshines both.

Portrait de Nechrome

Really? You're probably right, since u have experience with them and I don't.
Also, aren't all slime and constructs resistant to peircing?a
Also, i use the snarble barb line. that line actually haz the same stats as the main flourish line. the only difference is the looks and the charge attack. Maybe u should consider trying this line out.


i was fooling around waiting for an arena and so i started charging up my flmaberge. turns out if you time the charge attack so that the last swing is on an ally, it will push him back with no damage. however, it has a chance of inflicting fire!! team killing is always fun :D so defenitely go with the flamberge

Portrait de Nechrome

lol. i agree with you. i the training room, i like to throw firepots at other dudes(so far, I've killed 2 people by doing that).