5 star equipment

Hi everyone. I really want to get all 5 star weapons, guns, bombs, etc. but I looked on the wiki and there are like a bajillion 5 star wepons, armors, helmets, etc. so I don't actually think it worth it anymore. I want to get the best though so can anyone tell me the top 5 equipment for each category that are 5 star? Personally, I have started the calibur and cutter line for swords, the autogun line for guns, the cobalt set for armor and helms, and the defender line for shields. Please also tell me which is better if there are two or more different 5 stars in a line(for example, the Leviathan Blade and the Cold Iron Vanquisher) or if I should have both. And if any of the equipment I have right now are bad. Thanks.
IGN: Shadownox
P.S. This is just a random question totally unrelated. Do we have limits on how much weapons and stuff we are aloud to have in our arsenal? And is there also a limit of how many learned recipes we can have? Thanks again.

Oh hi guys. Just saying that some of the weapons and stuff I have already set m mind too are either Argent Peacmaker or Sentenzza and Divine Avenger.
for a 5* gun, i suggest the Valiance. It does decent damage and haz a small knockback. dunno why im posting here when i could be telling u verbally instead. lol