Should my second sword cause elemental or normal damage?

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Legacy Username


I've got a unique version of the Blazebrand that has an attack speed increased by medium (i personally love the sword cause of it's charge attack and bonus damage versus undead and construct. I also plan on getting Combuster in the future).
My second sword is the Snarble barb (whcih helps me aganist beasts and fiends, but i think the sword really sucks and i would like to get a better one).

My weakneses with this loadout are gremlins and possibly jellies.

I was planing on replacing a second sword but im doubting between another elemental sword and a sword who causes normal damage.

For an elemental sword i was planing to use one that causes shadow damage (nightblade or sealed sword continuing on faust and gran faust).

For a normal damage sword i was planing to use a cutter which i would later upgrade to vile striker and dread venom striker.

Which one of the swords should i use?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I've created a visual chart which shows the damage.

Duskdash's picture
If you've already got

If you've already got Elemental and Piercing, I don't see any reason to get a Normal sword. You don't gain anything from it, unless you're going for its attack animations (like the knockback from Leviathan, for example, but Faust has that too I believe).

Legacy Username
Well i think i'll be going

Well i think i'll be going for the nightblade because of the jelly runs.

Legacy Username
It's good to have a shadow

It's good to have a shadow sword imo, worth it.

Repair's picture
I'm running with 1 shadow and

I'm running with 1 shadow and 1 normal and I love it, I don't think 2 elementals is that great, because then you'll still be weak against something. I'd go for 1 elemental and 1 normal.

Betrael's picture
1 elemental 1 shadow 1

1 elemental 1 shadow 1 pierce.

Legacy Username
Personally I'm going with a

Personally I'm going with a Shadow/Normal and an Elemental/Normal. (Divine Avenger and Acheron)

Legacy Username
Well i won't be weaker if i

Well i won't be weaker if i use one elemental and one shadow, i'll just do better damage aganist a group of enemies and all others that are left out will get normal damage (if someone's damage resistant i'll just switch swords).