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Need Feedback on Gunner Loadout.

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

So ive been observing things and trying to get a grasp on what to shoot for with gear and stats. And this is what ive come down too.

My loadout i plan on useing will be as follows:

Nameless Hat - + Normal, + Elemental, + Attack Speed
Deadshot Mantle - +Normal, +Shadow, +Curse, +Damage undead
Ironmight Plate Shield - +Normal, +Pericing, +health, +Stun

Blitz Needle - Pericing Dmg
Nova Driver - Elemental Damage
Umbra Driver - Shadow Damage

Either of these 2 for the last slot
Barbous Thorn Blade - Pericing Damage
Argent Peacemaker - Pericing/Elemental Damage

Basiclly im trying to balance out my Defences best i can and have damage for all monsters types so i do max damage i can always.

Now i need feedback on my armor choices. Should i mix and matxh the armor like i am for defence to all 3 damage types? Or go with 1 full set of Nameless or Deadshot? I already have lvl 8 Sunset armor and hat so im trying to not have to relevel armor, or else i would just work on leveling a divine set for the +ele and shadow protection.

Legacy Username
My suggestions.

For armor, I'd suggest all Nameless. I've heard good things about the Damage Boosts to Undead from Deadshot- but that's a bonus you will use some of the time vs the all-the-time bonus Attack Speed Increase of Nameless. Shadow Damage is more common now, but I still think Elemental Defense is more important overall. If you're still worried about Shadow intensive levels, get a second shield with good Shadow Defense. I should also be clear that your Shield Defenses do not stack with Helm or Armor Defenses- they are separate, as they only apply when you are actively shielding.

As for guns, here's what I know.

Avoid the Prismatic Alchemer line. It does the same Elemental Damage as the Firo, Cryo, and Voltech lines, but it deals no Status Effect like the other three do. Fire Status can add a considerable amount of extra damage per tick, while Freeze Status doesn't do much in the way of damage, but the immobilization is a handy thing indeed. Lastly, Shock Status is kinda in between Fire and Freeze- deals some damage, and interrupts occasionally. It's really up to your preference on which Elemental Status you like best, but choose one of those over the Prismatic Line. You're just getting no extra benefit with the Prismatic.

The Needle Shot line has a pretty awesome damage output for a Piercing type gun. ... If you can hit with more than one or two Needles at a time. Unfortunately, Devilites and Wolvers, which are weak to Piercing, dodge like #$^@#$* when you fire a Needle Shot in their direction. Instead, I'd really, highly recommend the Magnus line for Piercing Damage instead. Devilites and Wolvers will still dodge, but not until after the shot fully connects. The bonus stun and/or knockdown is also a great benefit, but getting damage through is the most important part.

Umbra Driver is a solid choice. Only weapon in the game that deals pure Shadow Damage.

Hope this helps a bit.

Legacy Username
it helps, i appreciate the

it helps, i appreciate the info.

Thought i went with the Prismatech because i had the recipe for the MKI and MKII in the vendor at the same time and the status effects proc ever so often, but not enough to matter for me.

Though with the Needleshot line, ive found that when fighting wolvers, just back into a wall or corner and unload, they cant dodge behind you, and basiclly they just get mowed down. Though lately ive been useing my Barbous Blade aginst wolvers since its pericing. though, i seem to recall it used to have a beast damage bonus but now that i look it doesnt. hm odd. But yeah im VERY comfortable useing my Needle gun that i can make every shot count. Plus i dont like how slow the magnus is, and its a 2 shot clip as well, more room for error since it doesnt shoot a hail of bullets like the Needle.

Umbra is great, i got it because i needed an anti slime weapon, and yeah shadow weeapons arnt around much.

But thanks for the info, ill look into a shadow shield. I really only desire shadow protection for high level fiends, as the chairs and such they throw do massive damage to me with 0 shadow protection.

Legacy Username
On T3 and 4* guns.

The problem with Wolvers is in Tier 3, they don't dodge anymore- they teleport. The trick you have keeping in a corner will no longer work. You'll begin to shoot- hit with one or two of the six shots, and then the Wolver will be somewhere else. And because you can't re-aim the Needle Shot once you begin firing, it means you spend a lot of time missing. It's not insurmountable, but it does get annoying. That wouldn't be so bad, but they tend to appear right next to you, and if they were winding up an attack when they teleport, they'll just bite you when they appear next to you. And standing in a corner not moving will get you killed by Devilites everytime, because they'll dodge the Needle Shot pretty easily as well.

As for the proc reliability of the Status inflicting Alchemers, they get pretty reliable at 4 and 5*. The Prismatic line again will deal the same damage, so you can stick with it easily, but in time you will probably want to consider switching to another line.