Combuster Vs Glacius
At the moment I have a brandish with CTR Very High UV. I'm not sure whether I want to make it into a Combuster or Glacius. Does anyone have any opinions as to what I should make my brandish into and why?
I already have a nightblade with ASI VH, so I just want to know whether a Glacius or Combuster would be the better choice.
I'd kill for a blade like that :(
I'd probably go combuster with it. As much as I love my glacius, there's no need to charge spam it. Once they're frozen, you can spin around in circles and re-charge if you want with very little consequences. As well, the extra damage from ice effect takes a while to work, so you're waiting anyways.
Combuster, on the other hand, you'd want to spread fire to as many mobs as possible to trigger the fire damage.
They do the same, one just burns things, and the other freezes things in place.
I use a Glacius, and while Freeze doesn't kill things as fast as Fire, I find it more useful. It freezes Phantoms, puts out Oilers, traps Silkwings and Menders - basically, I can isolate targets of priority or threat.
Fire just kills things.
It all depends on what you want, utility or DPS.
currently I am using the combuster and am quite happy with it, id doesnt have your uv but with vog set and it being lvl 10 it makes up for its subpar speed and i can charge up pretty well taking out a group of enemies with 2-3 charges and slashing away. I would go with the combuster since in some levels you really just wanna kill things faster such as the graveyard.
I'd like to go with a combuster too but Dasparian has a good point. Currently I really have problems with mobs that are fast, being able to freeze them in place is something I would benefit from.
Ghosts from GY
They all run fast and I guess I could really benefit from the CC.
Thanks for the recommendations I'll look into it a bit more and then decide.
Combuster imo.